Week 14
The beasties have definitely grown stronger . Or some of them anyway. On a routine hunt on Dal´Noth, we came upon this King of Sar´Noths. It´s hits was like nothing I have ever felt before. We were a bit too overconfident, and stayed too long fighting where we should be fleeing. Thankfully Zeek was able to stay alive, and got Chrono and Dianus up. The rest of us were a sorry sight though. To make a rescue more likely Dianus chained us from the outpost and down south to the passes. There the three remaining were ambushed by some angry Vel´Noths, but help was near. We were rescued, and with steel in our eyes we went back to the outpost to search for the Sar´Noth. This time with more exiles.
We found it east of the outpost, were it charged us with a vengeance. The battle that followed was a long and hard one. We pushed, and swung, and fell, and hit - for something that felt like an eternity. Bleeding badly were we all , most of the time. And never say that mystic boosts suck, as in this case Diotima´s atkus boost was valuable. We won this round, and the joy I felt when that Superduperfuper Sar hit the ground were shared by all I think.
Week 15
Since the orga stole our catapult we have been high and low in search for it. But to no avail. In a post in the newscrolls, the mystic Diotima reveals something that might be of interest to us all.
I have with a group of exile been to a small hidden room connected to OC4
near the big stump. If my memory servers me correctly; Axell, Terenas,
Sagramor, Malkor, Ace Rimmer, and many others witnessed the experience.
As the exiles snuck through a small path in the brush, they sensed a power
overwhelming. Although they did not know it at the time, perhaps they had
discovered the answer to a question not yet posed.
Visionstone of the room
I have since returned to find the path blocked by massive hordes of orgas.
No one has been able to enter, but we lacked pathfinders.
This is all I know.
/action fans the flames.
Sutai and Aki will finally battle it out over the Phoenix egg. The challenge from Sutai is ready, and it looks like it will be a contest worthy of these two mystics. A quiz, animal training, and a battle against the others pet.
Hello all.
2 months ago, my husband, Sir Maenygh Chyggsyn, Knight of the Shield,
founder of the pathfinder's Guild, and Captain of the Guards of the Golden
Tree, had left our known world, in Gaia's temple.
I invite all of you in that place, for the 12th week of his death, the 179th
day of year 537, at 2h30mn, for a very short prayer for him. Something
symbolic, not a real office, just to remind his spirit that he is not
For Zo people, the ooc date is at 1pm pacific time, 4pm eastern time, and
10pm european (except english) time, that saturday (april, the 15th).
If you can't attend, just have a little thought for him when you will have
one spare minute: the 11th week of the death of someone is something very
important in my family traditions, that's why that day has been chosen.
And for those who could attend, please pardon the early time of that prayer,
but it will mark the real beginning of the 12th week of his death, which
represents the end of my Lei'nad if not of my sorrow and pain.
Thanks for your attention and comprehension,
Finally, a time has been set . The duel with Chum, the Fisherman, the Mist Walker. We will meet with our beer kegs at (IC) 15 day of Summer 537, at 3:30 in the afternoon in the Bard´s Field. That is (OOC) Wednesday 19 april at 2 PM PDT or 11.00 PM CET. He might have objections to the place though, he is not so fond of Bards.
Week 16
A huge crowd had gathered in town, all eager to see the battle over the Phoenix egg between Aki and Sutai. The challenge from Sutai was in three parts. A Quiz, animal taming, and fighting the other´s pet. The quiz went rather nicely for Aki, who showed yet again what a wise one he is. Sutai was in deep trouble in this one - but at last he scored one point of eight possible. The next challenge, animal training Sutai won. He found a Noble Myrm, while Aki just came up with an arachne. So, at this point the score was 1-1, and no winner. The next challenge was supposed to be a battle between the mystic and the other mystic´s pet, meaning in this case Aki had to fight a Noble Myrm.. While they were still setting up the contest - Sutai had to drop the egg on the ground.. It starts to hatch! And out comes the most wondrous creature I have ever seen. The Phoenix!
Probably scared to death by the crowd, it attacks Aki on sight - and flees off up north, setting fire to exiles and buildings on it´s way. Despite many a cry to leave it alone, exiles flock around it and try to kill it. We are witnessing a great event, the birth of a rare bird, The Phoenix - and what do the exiles of Puddleby do..? Indeed, try to kill this most wonderful being.
Seeing the crowd nearing with axes high, no wonder the Phoenix attacks many exiles on it´s path - and in it´s attempt to escape it comes too close to some of the towers that surround the town. Being a bird of fire and all - the towers goes up in flames. What a sad , sad day for Puddleby - when Gurgi manages to hit a striking blow, and it falls down to the ground. There is a time for everything, and this was not the time to do the headless chop chop thing.. But, being the Phoenix - it rises from the ashes and finally escapes. I am afraid it will be a long time till we see it again, but it is out there - somewhere. And knowing that brings me great joy.
Greetings everyone! I would like to announce the Puddleby Clan Council Art
More information may be found here.
I do hope the artistically inclined will enter. I look forward to
populating our Puddleby Museum with fine art.
Feel free to pass this along to whomever you wish.
Best regards and happy hunting.
Thoom Healer/Dentist and proud art sponsor!
SDC Ambassador to Rising Claw
It was finally time for the duel with Chum, the Mist Walker, The Fisherman, the trickster. I had chosen the Bard´s field because, I must admit - I knew this would annoy him. He is not so fond of bards, Gaia knows why. After a short discussion with the audience attending, we came to the conclusion that waiting one hour for Chum to show up, would be honorable, noble and kind. So I did. They also decided that if he didn´t show up after one hour, I would win - by default. The hour passed, and no Chum. Since the audience had been so kind to wait with me, I shared my brought keg with them instead. We had a little party there in the bard ´s field, and some music too. After almost two hours had passed, Chum shows up. And, of course, no surprise - makes a scene about me not having a keg etc.. How dare he! he shows up two hours late, and strides in like HE was in the right, and not me. After a long discussion, I offer him a duel still, if he can provide the beer. I thought it was both kind and goodhearted of me, since at this point I was the winner by default, but I dared to lose this by giving him another chance. This of course he takes as an insult. And under no circumstances is he willing to provide a new beer keg. Norm , Gaia bless him, then quickly runs down to the pub, buys a brand new keg , runs back to the bard´s field and hand it over to me. And the duel is on.
And here dear reader, I have a confession to make. Indeed. For anyone that know me, the path I take is not so hard to understand. For anyone that know Chum and my own history - it should be pretty clear why I choose to trick him. See, after I challenged him due to the attack he made on my clan (an attack he retracted and pointed out it was all directed at me, afterwards) I had done what I could - honorably. The duel itself wouldn´t mean much either way. Only the fact that I opposed him was enough for me. Win or lose, I couldn´t care less. It was in standing up against him I defended myself. not in winning or losing the duel. But, Chum has a known history in deceiving and trickery. Be not surprised then that I made some preparations of my own. My Second, the dear Phineas, had an empty sack, and while drinking I handed over many a mug to him. It was all there to see, for those that knew what to look for. So I won, of course. But the victory of the duel was not a victory for me. I had cheated to win, so it didn´t mean anything. What meant something to me was my second victory so to speak. To see Chum the Mist Walker, the trickster, the fisherman - realize he had been tricked. That, my dear reader, was my intent and my victory. Never have revenge tasted so sweet, never have I felt so compelled to gloat - as when I see Chum´s face turn red. The trickster being the trickee! Maybe he heard all the clinking that came from Phineas´ sack. He must have known something was not right, as he peeked inside Phineas´ sack, without permission I might add, and finds the sack full of beer-mugs. He then quickly run down to town, mending his wound and pride no doubt. And there I meet him afterwards. His rage was unbelievable. Fire stood out of his mouth, foam laid itself to rest down his shirt - and in an outburst he slapped me to low red. Indeed, the so-called peaceful fisherman slapped me so hard I almost fell there near Nu´ss. Thankfully Healery and Tayra were present so I could get healed. He then demanded I should leave, but I pushed him and pulled him, and he left. May Gaia help me, and Maldacht´s God look upon me in mercy. But I have never been so proud of any action in these years I have lived on the island, as the time I showed Chum that even a sylvan can beat him in his own game.
Week 17
It is with great joy and sorrow that we make this announcement.
With joy that we tell of our return and sorrow of our fallen. We as
Solome have completed our quest and we are whole. We that was
the body of Solo is no more.
Yesterday, after many months of search by Solo until her body could
no longer survive and by many months of madness by Solome that
her soul could no longer survive alone. We found each other and
saved one another. Solo and Solome are now one. We are one in the
body of Solome.
Please read our scrolls.
-The Fairfoot Family (Solo/Solome)
p.s. ooc: A word of warning you will need the latest shockwave
version (8) to view much of the content.
Luce has proposed a deal. She will get her son back and she will then give me her marriage license. She was married to my beloved after casting a spell on him that fogged his mind. Of course, that is if we know where the child is being held - and we do not. Not at least. So.., but, if we sort of did know, this is an interesting proposal. I hear the child is growing fast, and he looks like a grown-up already. He also shows no kind of wickedness like his mother. That is what I hear anyway.
The bards guild have had their meeting, and I hear that one of the things they decided was that we - those of us who are not bards, will have to pay a fee for using the Bards field. It´s not yet clear how large this sum is, and/or if this is all events or simply moneymaking ones.
Many are trying to find a way to open the mirror in South Forest. Some clues are given., not much is known. Diotima remembered something Afrit told her...
Afrit says in People,
"I didn't go into any detail when I was saying it hurt the noths, I recall
more detail of what Qual actually said. He called us fools, and said that
we did not know how to properly use the mirrors. That we were abusing them,
and when an exile traveled through one so crudely it made a "pop" that hurt
him. He is obviously a dal'noth...
Then he killed us all with death vermine."
(Afrit laughs)
(Diotima laughs)
A group of exiles recently met Qual on Dal´Noth. Yor has written a short account on the meeting.