My fellow exiles,
I would like to clear up a misunderstanding that has recently been written
to Babajaga's Diaries. Lady Baba is one who I greatly admire, and I would
never suggest error on her part. She was merely ill-informed when she
suggested that I had been duped into buying a shoddy club from a witch.
The fact is, the club that Prue sold me has been in her family for four
generations. Though it is disguised as a plain roguewood club, I am
certain that it posseses fantastic magical powers. Prue says that I am
merely not putting forth enough effort when I use it, else I would have
already begun to reap its benefits.
Let me ask you this- have you been rooked when you acquire a magical
weapon for only 250c? To top it off, Prue disposed of my previous weapon,
a lousy dagger, for only 50c. I do not wish for any exile to have the
impression that she is anything but the kindest and most generous of
souls. Why, her Benevolent Hygiene Fund is one of the town's worthiest
charities! I have contributed much to it.
Baba is concerned that my ability to judge good character would lead me to
deal with Tenebrion. I assure you that I have the keenest sense of
discernment when it comes to the goodness of one's intentions! Why, if I
am so foolish as to be duped by Prue, next I'm sure you'll tell me that
Malkor is not duly distributing the money I donate to his Apprentice
Mystic Assistance Fund and rather keeping the coins for himself. Does
that sound like something a spriggan would do? I think not. As for
Tenebrion, an individual whose choice of livestock is the divine ovine
cannot be an evil person. I'm sure that the hours I spent in his meat
locker were merely the result of a misunderstanding. I suggest that we do
whatever is neccessary to strike a deal with Tenebrion in order to obtain
some of Tenebrion's Sheep, and I will put forth any effort to complete
that deal.