I must warn you ... at costs do NOT drink any liquid offered during any
meetings with our delusional friends.
A few days ago I was invited by Babajaga to stand with her as she addressed
these poor souls. We attempted to show them that they have become enchanted
in some peculiar way. During Baba's speach, Lunaria attempted to switch the
water flasks we were using. I spotted her attempt, but then she tried to
forcibly make Baba drink.
We had almost succombed to the deed, when the Darshaks once again invaded
from the west. I quickly proposed we set aside our discussions and go to
the aid of our home. During the battle, I worked my way to the Sun Dragon
house, and soon lost sight of the Red Quill-Clan Foxy. From the note Lunaria
has left she did not get to Babajaga yet.
To all Red Quill members, friends, and associates: Beware this so called new
clan foxy. They mean us all harm. Do not meet them alone. Travel with a
trusted companion.
In Honor of Puddleby,
Friend of the Red Quill
Ambassador to the Dun'ilsar
High Councilor of the Sun Dragon Clan