* A conversation with an agent of the Emperor Mobius, as transcribed by * Zwei, Knight of the Sword * * Notice: this transcription has been stripped of references to external * circumstances and events. * * Sendorian seeks me out in the town square, asks about Lorian, and we retire * to the quiet of the Temple of Gaia... *\ 8/29/99 Zwei says, "she is presently under the protection of the knights until such time as we may determine..." 8/29/99 1:25:47p Sendorian asks, "Protection?" 8/29/99 1:25:49p Sendorian says, "I see..." 8/29/99 1:25:53p (Sendorian shakes his head) 8/29/99 1:25:55p Zwei says, "the extent and particulars of her case." 8/29/99 1:26:04p Sendorian asks, "Case?" 8/29/99 1:26:11p Sendorian asks, "There is a case against her?" 8/29/99 1:26:38p Zwei says, "there are certain aspects of her life's tale that are under ... dispute ..." 8/29/99 1:26:45p (Sendorian brings out a parchment with the seal of Mobius at the top.) 8/29/99 1:26:59p Zwei says, "it has been long... friend..." 8/29/99 1:27:03p Sendorian says, "Yes, well, this island is under the jurisdiction of the Emperor." 8/29/99 1:27:20p Sendorian says, "And, we have a case against her ourselves, on the mainland." 8/29/99 1:27:24p Zwei says, "since one has dared show such signs and sigils here in far lok'groton." 8/29/99 1:27:33p Sendorian says, "We fear she may commit yet more crimes." 8/29/99 1:27:40p Sendorian says, "I um...." 8/29/99 1:27:46p Sendorian says, "don't think you understand your situation" 8/29/99 1:27:59p (Zwei grips the haft of her axe casually.) 8/29/99 1:28:10p Zwei says, "aye, do tell, noble sendorian." 8/29/99 1:28:18p Sendorian asks, "How do you think Mobius might view the formation of a knighthood here on the isles?" 8/29/99 1:28:35p Sendorian says, "Of course," 8/29/99 1:28:39p Zwei asks, "we are exiles, surely, and not worthy of the mighty's attentions?" 8/29/99 1:28:50p Sendorian says, "Hardly." 8/29/99 1:29:03p Sendorian says, "But this Lorian." 8/29/99 1:29:13p Zwei says, "also an exile." 8/29/99 1:29:26p Sendorian says, "She is of interest to a small group of us under his Emperor's authority." 8/29/99 1:29:30p Zwei says, "i see." 8/29/99 1:29:37p Sendorian says, "It would be..." 8/29/99 1:29:39p Sendorian says, "a shame..." 8/29/99 1:29:42p Zwei says, "and are you also aware, good sendorian...." 8/29/99 1:29:43p Sendorian says, "if it should come to the attention" 8/29/99 1:29:47p Sendorian says, "of his highness..." 8/29/99 1:29:50p Sendorian says, "of your efforts." 8/29/99 1:29:55p Zwei asks, "of a sylvan going by the name of "lilit"?" 8/29/99 1:29:56p Sendorian asks, "yes?" 8/29/99 1:30:09p (Sendorian checks through his notes...) 8/29/99 1:30:17p Zwei says, "for one's case has much to do with the other." 8/29/99 1:30:19p Sendorian says, "Ahh yes." 8/29/99 1:30:24p Zwei says, "they seem intertwined." 8/29/99 1:30:30p Bullingbrook is now Clanning. 8/29/99 1:30:31p (Sendorian reads....) 8/29/99 1:30:40p Sendorian says, "Indeed they would seem so." 8/29/99 1:30:49p (Sendorian nods as he reads...) 8/29/99 1:30:53p Sendorian says, "Yes... I can see why." 8/29/99 1:31:02p Sendorian says, "Interesting." 8/29/99 1:31:06p Zwei asks, "perhaps, if you'd care to enlighten me....?" 8/29/99 1:31:14p Sendorian ponders, "I wonder if this.. Lilit.. could be of use to us as well..." 8/29/99 1:31:28p Sendorian asks, "Tell me... what may happen to Lorian?" 8/29/99 1:31:35p Sendorian asks, "what is the nature of these charges?" 8/29/99 1:31:39p Zwei says, "i fear her soul is at peril." 8/29/99 1:32:00p Sendorian asks, "Yes... well... none of us want that to happen now, do we?" 8/29/99 1:32:11p Zwei says, "but of the particulars of the case i may not speak alone." 8/29/99 1:32:18p Zwei says, "nay, noble sendorian...." 8/29/99 1:32:19p Sendorian says, "And I'm sure the Knighthood would continue to enjoy such anonymity." 8/29/99 1:32:32p Zwei says, "what you seek is a convocation of the order." 8/29/99 1:32:45p Sendorian says, "That does seem in order, yes..." 8/29/99 1:32:48p Zwei says, "and i am not presently empowered to act for all concerned." 8/29/99 1:32:50p Sendorian says, "but..." 8/29/99 1:32:59p Sendorian says, "I am only concerned for the one." 8/29/99 1:33:06p Zwei says, "i must caution you however:" 8/29/99 1:33:26p Zwei says, "the lady lorian does fall under our ... aegis ... as it were." 8/29/99 1:33:33p Sendorian says, "She is, after all, under my authority, not those of your... um... order." 8/29/99 1:33:54p Zwei says, "i would caution you against any direct action, and here, you may find your "authority" carries but little weight." 8/29/99 1:33:59p (Sendorian takes out an official looking parchment...) 8/29/99 1:34:07p Sendorian says, "See for yourself..." 8/29/99 1:34:16p (Zwei takes the parchment.) 8/29/99 1:34:29p (Sendorian hands you the parchment detailing Lorian's accountability to a group called "the core"...) 8/29/99 1:34:35p Zwei asks, "ah, the arms and seal of the emporor?" 8/29/99 1:34:49p (Sendorian nods slowly) 8/29/99 1:34:58p (Sendorian pulls his cloak about him) 8/29/99 1:35:02p Zwei says, "it seems odd that mighty ones would take such an interest in one more lowly exile." 8/29/99 1:35:11p Sendorian says, "I of course am prepared to taoke no immediate action." 8/29/99 1:35:16p Sendorian says, "Interest..." 8/29/99 1:35:17p Sendorian says, "well..." 8/29/99 1:35:26p Sendorian says, "surely you must know of the..." 8/29/99 1:35:29p Sendorian says, "magnitude..." 8/29/99 1:35:33p Sendorian says, "of her crimes." 8/29/99 1:35:48p Zwei says, "mutterings and distant rumor only, good sir." 8/29/99 1:35:50p Sendorian says, "We could find a way to take her off your hands, if we so desired." 8/29/99 1:36:04p Zwei says, "ah, is't so? is't so..." 8/29/99 1:36:04p Sendorian says, "They interest me not." 8/29/99 1:36:09p Zwei says, "well... hmm." 8/29/99 1:36:14p Sendorian says, "I am only concerned for her well being" 8/29/99 1:36:19p Sendorian says, "that proper justice is served" 8/29/99 1:36:34p Zwei says, "many people, it seems, are "concerned" for this one's "well being."" 8/29/99 1:36:35p Sendorian says, "and that your.... order... remain in tact of course." 8/29/99 1:36:37p (Sendorian coughs) 8/29/99 1:36:53p Zwei asks, "and how would our order be otherwise?" 8/29/99 1:36:53p Sendorian says, "Well." 8/29/99 1:37:04p Zwei says, "please speak plainly, sir." 8/29/99 1:37:10p Sendorian asks, "It would be a shame if some of you should disappear, wouldn't it?" 8/29/99 1:37:16p ĄThe Sun rises. 8/29/99 1:37:22p Zwei says, "i am but a simple artisan, practising my craft here." 8/29/99 1:37:31p Sendorian says, "Yes." 8/29/99 1:37:33p Sendorian says, "To be sure." 8/29/99 1:37:35p Zwei says, "and many have recently disappeared." 8/29/99 1:37:55p Sendorian says, "In short," 8/29/99 1:38:02p Sendorian says, "to be brief, for I must go..." 8/29/99 1:38:06p Zwei says, "so any threat your masters may offer may seem.... trivial to the horrors we have suffered." 8/29/99 1:38:14p (Sendorian nods) 8/29/99 1:38:23p Sendorian asks, "Such is the way of life we have laid out for you here is it not?" 8/29/99 1:38:24p Sendorian says, "Now." 8/29/99 1:38:29p Sendorian says, "To be brief." 8/29/99 1:38:34p Sendorian says, "Convene your.... group..." 8/29/99 1:38:38p (Sendorian says gruffly) 8/29/99 1:38:43p Sendorian says, "And decide." 8/29/99 1:38:46p Sendorian says, "I will return," 8/29/99 1:38:56p Sendorian says, "and knowing the wisdom of your peers," 8/29/99 1:38:57p Zwei asks, "decide upon... what, exactly?" 8/29/99 1:39:05p Sendorian says, "I trust you to come to the right conclusions" 8/29/99 1:39:20p Sendorian says, "You do not seem as dimwitted as that...." 8/29/99 1:39:24p (Sendorian looks at his notes) 8/29/99 1:39:27p Zwei says, "i thank you for your courtesie in this matter." 8/29/99 1:39:27p Sendorian says, "vagile...." 8/29/99 1:39:40p Sendorian says, "... so I'm sure you get my meaning." 8/29/99 1:39:46p Zwei asks, "vagile?" 8/29/99 1:39:57p Sendorian says, "A most short circuited one, yes." 8/29/99 1:40:01p Sendorian says, "Most unfortuate." 8/29/99 1:40:01p Zwei says, "no mention of the squire has been made in present circumstances." 8/29/99 1:40:05p Sendorian asks, "Was she hit in the head?" 8/29/99 1:40:19p Sendorian says, "No... but one did give me her name as a knight." 8/29/99 1:40:21p Zwei says, "the motile one? nay, she is but a zo." 8/29/99 1:40:26p Sendorian says, "She is only a squire in fact." 8/29/99 1:40:28p Ravenstorm is no longer Clanning. 8/29/99 1:40:35p Zwei says, "and thusly subject to fits of ... temper." 8/29/99 1:40:39p Sendorian says, "She probably did not remember to pass along the details." 8/29/99 1:40:40p (Sendorian nods) 8/29/99 1:40:47p Zwei says, "ah, i see." 8/29/99 1:40:55p Sendorian says, "Decide..." 8/29/99 1:41:00p Sendorian asks, "do you really need clarification there?" 8/29/99 1:41:01p Zwei says, "yes, she is esquired to sir west." 8/29/99 1:41:07p Sendorian asks, "for vagile's sake?" 8/29/99 1:41:09p Zwei says, "aye, i think it may be helpful." 8/29/99 1:41:14p Ramza has fallen to a Rat in Puddleby. 8/29/99 1:41:15p Zwei says, "since i am so dimwitted." 8/29/99 1:41:16p Sendorian says, "Simply," 8/29/99 1:41:30p Sendorian says, "No, you seem quite eloquent, Zwei." 8/29/99 1:41:39p Sendorian says, "Regardless... to put it bluntly...." 8/29/99 1:41:47p Zwei says, "eloquence is not always a betrayer of wisdom, sire." 8/29/99 1:41:51p Sendorian says, "you must decide if Lorian is to remain in your care" 8/29/99 1:41:57p Zwei says, "ah, i see." 8/29/99 1:42:08p Sendorian says, "or if you will yeild her to me without disruption." 8/29/99 1:42:17p Zwei asks, "and may i keep this parchment as testimony to your credentials?" 8/29/99 1:42:23p Sendorian says, "Of course." 8/29/99 1:42:44p Sendorian says, "It does, after all, testify to her willing collaboration with and submission to us.." 8/29/99 1:42:52p Zwei asks, "and have you any other signs by which we might know the truth of your assertions?" 8/29/99 1:42:54p Sendorian says, "as it bears her signature at the bottom." 8/29/99 1:43:18p Sendorian asks, "Is any other evidence necessary to convey my authority?" 8/29/99 1:43:31p Sendorian says, "Forgery of the seal is, after all, a capital offence." 8/29/99 1:43:48p Zwei says, "aye, i think any further proofs you might provide would be helpful. remember, good sir...." 8/29/99 1:43:55p Zwei says, "that we are but exiles, after all." 8/29/99 1:44:00p Sendorian asks, "With our names on it, it would be foolish to let such a thing go... if it were indeed a forgery?" 8/29/99 1:44:15p Sendorian says, "If you insist." 8/29/99 1:44:19p Zwei asks, "many of our number are criminals, or need i remind you?" 8/29/99 1:44:23p (Sendorian ruffles through his papers...) 8/29/99 1:44:26p Sendorian says, "Most of you..." 8/29/99 1:44:26p Zwei says, "i feel i must." 8/29/99 1:44:44p Sendorian says, "but not with the prospect of..." 8/29/99 1:44:48p Sendorian says, "how shall I put this..." 8/29/99 1:44:54p Sendorian asks, "causing further problems?" 8/29/99 1:45:02p Zwei says, "indeed." 8/29/99 1:45:02p (Sendorian shuffles through his papers) 8/29/99 1:45:16p (Sendorian shakes his head...) 8/29/99 1:45:18p Rutabaga is now Clanning. 8/29/99 1:45:26p Sendorian says, "Finding something I can part with.... one moment please..." 8/29/99 1:45:34p (Sendorian shuffles) 8/29/99 1:45:40p (Zwei waits patiently.) 8/29/99 1:45:42p Sendorian says, "Here...." 8/29/99 1:46:15p (Sendorian hands you a letter written by Lorian to himself planning an attack on a sylvan town...) 8/29/99 1:46:25p (Zwei accepts the letter.) 8/29/99 1:46:28p Zwei says, "thank you." 8/29/99 1:46:42p Sendorian says, "Dun'Larel is no more, as she will tell you." 8/29/99 1:46:43p Zwei says, "i shall bring this matter to the attention of the rest of the council." 8/29/99 1:46:52p Zwei exclaims, "one thing further!" 8/29/99 1:47:00p Sendorian asks, "How could you want her to remain in your care?" 8/29/99 1:47:01p Sendorian says, "I see not." 8/29/99 1:47:10p Sendorian asks, "What is on your mind?" 8/29/99 1:47:16p Zwei asks, "do you have, by chance, any of the particulars of the one named "lilit"?" 8/29/99 1:47:29p Zwei says, "for if their destinies are bound together...." 8/29/99 1:47:35p Sendorian says, "I am sorry... I do not." 8/29/99 1:47:39p Zwei says, "ah." 8/29/99 1:47:42p (Sendorian tucks his notes away.) 8/29/99 1:47:48p (Zwei frowns, disappointed.) 8/29/99 1:47:54p Zwei says, "very well." 8/29/99 1:48:10p Zwei says, "i shall see that these materials see the council table." 8/29/99 1:48:10p Sendorian says, "Thank you for your time..." 8/29/99 1:48:14p Zwei says, "aye." 8/29/99 1:48:19p (Zwei bows.) 8/29/99 1:48:22p Sendorian says, "I will seek one of you out again, at the proper time." 8/29/99 1:48:25p (Sendorian bows) 8/29/99 1:48:28p Zwei says, "good day, sir." 8/29/99 1:53:38p Sendorian is no longer Clanning. \* End of transcription. *\