Minx growls, "Can you please clear some room around the fallen"
Minx growls, "His spirit and body seem to no longer be one."
Minx growls, "I fear he is only the first, or one of the first."
Gil-Galad says, "Maybe we should sacrifice someone...."
Minx growls, "Sacrifice? This is no work of an angry god."
Minx growls, "Or healers must learn more. We can heal injuries, but we still do not
understand why."
Minx growls, "For now, it seems that potions can still reverse this condition."
Minx growls, "...exiles fall closer and closer to death."
Minx growls, "Our goal is to make a solution that the exiles can use themselves."
Minx growls, "I travel by many means."
Minx growls, "One day soon, I may be able to teach your most powerful mystics ways to do the same."
Minx growls, "Fighters lack the ability to use their minds to the levels needed."
Minx growls, "Fighters are of the body."
Gil-Galad says, "I see. So they will be able to help. Not physically, though."
Minx growls, "I cannot change the laws of nature to please someone."
Minx growls, "To open a rift across space, this is not an easy thing to do."
Minx growls, "The physical being cannot exist where there is nothing."
Minx growls, "But we can create safe areas, which allow our passage."
Minx growls, "Even for the brotherhood, to create a passage though space requires the
effort of more then one."
Gil-Galad asks, "Brotherhood, Minx, what is this brotherhood?"
Minx growls, "Opening portals to other planes is not easy, nor is it safe for the unlearned."
Gil-Galad asks, "Does this mean there are more of your kind, Minx?"
Minx growls, "I am but one of many Gil-Galad."
Shadowfire asks, "Can exiles incapable of actually opening the portals utilize them?"
Minx growls, "Absolutely Shadowfire."
Gil-Galad asks, "Minx. This brotherhood. Who is the leader?"
Minx growls, "The mystics must anchor the rift, they cannot enter it safely."
Minx growls, "Not while they are anchors, no"
Minx growls, "I Gil-Gilad."
Gil-Galad asks, "So you are the most powerful, I take it?"
Minx growls, "We have more important issues to resolve then comparisons of our abilities."
Rasputin asks, "Minx, do you know if this problem is occuring on the mainland?"
Rasputin asks, "or is just within this island?"
Minx growls, "It is occuring everywhere, not just on this island."
WormTounge says, "on the mainland, when people fall, they always die, this place is special"
Minx growls, "No, what happens far from here seems to also happen here."
Minx growls, "I must be off, there is much to do"
Minx growls, "Please keep your eyes open for death, it seems to be approaching sooner
then we had hoped."
Minx growls, "When I know more, I will be sure to share my knowledge."