Lady Babajaga, and exiles of Puddelby,

Babajaga, you could contact me before you put this in
public. Well, it's too late... It was secret mission of
Diotima and me. But, now, I need to explain a bit more,
I'm afraid.

I understand your worries about Darkane. He was a great
apprentice, and very helpful nice person. He was and is
our hero! I couldn't believe that he did such awful
thing. But evdence is clear enough and it shows he is
a betrayer of the guild.

I knew he was in a big depression, due to his loss of
his family in the mainland. Darshak may tricked him
using his family. Or may not. We need to find this out.
We even do not know if he knows he is forming a part
of the dark magic.

Council suggested an exceution, as a very last way to
solve the problem. We are hoping for a better solution.
It maybe possible to stop Darshak's magic without
hurting him, but it has some risks too, and he must
agree to do.

Anyway, we must first find Darkane. Any clue and
information about his location are, welcome.
