Falling Contest
A exile falling contest sponsored by the Designated Fallen Union will be held for 2 weeks (ooc) starting on December 20, 2000.  Visions of your fall must be submitted by Jan. 5, 2001.
First Place: A chain, 500 coins and free membership in the Designated Fallen Union
Second Place: A metal, 200 coins and free membership in the Designated Fallen Union
Third Place: free membership in the Designated Fallen Union
The contest will be judged by 3 people (Coeur de Leon, Kodo and Axell). Decisions will be made within 2 weeks after the closing date and all decisions are final.  Points will be awarded based on several criteria: Degree of difficulty of fall, Originality and Dangerousness of fall. Examples:
1) Newbie falling to a forest drake in the east field (low degree of difficulty, low originality and maybe mid-degree of dangerousness). 2) Coeur almost falling to a tree giant while dodging 3 healers, but succumbing to a vermine instead (high degree of difficulty, mid-degree of originality and low to mid-degree of dangerousness)
The contest is open to all exiles, of any race or profession.  There is no charge to enter.  We ask that you submit only one fall per
character.  Please try to keep the movie relatively short, don’t equip your sunstone if possible.  Please make sure you film your own fall: third person views of someone else's fall, no matter how hilarious, are not eligible.  No plainly unnatural events please, such as Azriel’s death to alcohol deficiency.  All visions become the property of the Sponsor, who may distribute the vision to other parties without
additional consent.  Visions judged to show the best falls will be posted on a website (address to be announced soon).
Compressed movies must be submitted to j.l.holmes@mail.utexas.edu by Jan. 5, 2000.  Please include your character’s name, race, profession, and day of the fall. 
The Designated Fallen Union
("Remember, friends don't let friends fall.  Always use a Designated Fallen!" )