Greetings to you and your esteemed Clan,
the Sun Dragon Clan will soon celebrate its 10th anniversary, and for that special occasion I have an ambitious scrolls/website project : an illustrated history of our clan, put in perspective with the events that marked our lands, before and during these 10 years.
A few scrolls have a vaguely similar purpose but I think no one really attempted to summarize the passing of time and changes in our lands. The scrolls will be organized by chaos storm/version number and Puddleby years. I am gathering "screenshots" from SDC members of course, but some of you may be older than most of us, and have witnessed events in ancient times for which your testimony may prove invaluable. Even recent events may not have been be well covered, and all contributions will be welcome and credited.
So, what pictures are we looking for? Pictures that involve Sun Dragon Clan members would be nice of course, but more important, pictures of important events, even personal pictures if they are funny or unusual in some way.
The bottom line idea is to show the evolution in the way exiles lived, from the first days without classes, inventory or whatever to nowadays. In this regard, I am particularly demanding for really old pictures, anytime before the v50-60s!
I am looking for information & pictures about the following milestones, legendary characters:
- All that happened in versions up to 43 : 1st weapons, 1st sunstones, healers, etc
- Beacon & the Order of the Glove
- Mai, "from exile to God" ;)
- Martlet 1st Apprentice Mystic (pre-war)
- Mystic teleportation rings (pre-war)
- Aki 1st JM and 1st Full Mystic (post war)
- 1st 3rd circle Healer /fighter (post war)
- 1st 4th circle Healer /fighter (post war)
- New Puddleby (v43?)
- Monster names removed
- New moonstones ("moogstones")
- 1st Caduceus
- 1st boomerangs
- 1st skristals
- bard parts (post war)
- all changes in character graphics (female fen'neko, sylvans etc) - completion/opening of major buildings
- night
- shadows
- All Minx, Qual, Zonk and alike appearances
- famous invasions
- famous raids/explorations
- all new areas discovery (River Tunnel, Dal'noth, South Beaches, Devil's island
the list is long)
- Bartok stealing Altar
- founding of YOUR clan (dates and pictures)
- etc.
Of course this is from the top of my head and I'm forgetting (or even simply ignoring) a lot of events, key changes and additions; there have been so many events, as well as individual experiences, that a complete "History of Clan Lord" would be impossible to write.
Yet something must be done to try and collect as much as possible, in order to learn from our own history (just think about the strange similarities between the Ripture War Soulglasses and Tenebrion's Sword of Souls
Please fill us in with your memories, for the sake of exile knowledge! :D!
What about the pictures format? I will convert them for the web myself, but if you can (and pretty please, do try hard!):
- crop your pictures to what is interesting in them -- I don't need all your desktop backgrounds, menus and icons;
- save in PICT format and stuff them, do *NOT* use the Jpeg format which alters the picture quality at each generation.
*** It is very *IMPORTANT* to put the date of when the picture was actually taken in its title so I can put it at the right place on the timeline!! The format I use is this one : [YY-MM-DDPicture_title] i.e. "99-06-03Whacking_liche" Feel free to put your comments along with pictures as not everything can be guessed from a single snapshot. :)
What about movies? If you can take the time to watch yours and take snapshots of the best moments, great.
Otherwise send them over, but *compressed* with Stuffit, and only if they're not already online somewhere, in RQ's film vault for example -- I may already have them.
Finally, all movies and pictures should *NOT* have been modified, altered or edited in any way. Nothing but the naked truth :)
Please send your contribution to
Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation,
and don't hesitate to ask me to develop or clarify any point that isn't clear enough.
In Honor of the Sun Dragon and in memory of all exiles that roamed the lands, --
Sor, Sun Dragon Clan