Knights of the Realm
Squires and Pages
Gentles of the Land
With sad regret, I tell ye one and all,
Be it known this day by a majority of the Council that Sir Sleipnir has
been given indefinite leave of the Order of True and Gentle Knights. He
has come under a most disastrous spell and it is not known whether he be
amenable to the healing arts. Our dear Knight of the Rose is unable to
perform his knightly duties at this time and is hereby relieved of said
responsibilities until such he can perform them in the full vigor of the
man we know him to be. This is not to mean we shun him or ignore his
plight. It was with great reluctance and sorrow that Sir Maenygh and I,
Knights of the Shield and Lily, respectively, advised the Good Knight of
the Rose of the Councils's decision in the presence of the citizens of
Puddleby in Town Square.
We leave him in the hands of his grieving wife. Do your best to render
what aid and support to Lady Babajaga and keep him in your prayers if ye
are bent that way. If possible, consider this a quest on each of your
parts to seek a remedy that will undo the evil that has befallen our
brother in arms.
If you wish to discuss this further, please do call upon me and I will be
at your service. In the interim, we will continuing the planning of the
Grand Assembly to discuss the future of the Order of the True and Gentle
With a heavy heart I remain,
Knight of the Lily