At the Walls of Puddleby
by Torin
The Orga armies gather east --
A storm of Spite and Fury beast.
Red Hemlock lightning cracks the air,
And Shaman fires singe our hair.
Their vermine allies never far,
Persistent death with jaws ajar.
Silver, dark, and tawny too,
Their furs be bloodstained when we're through.
To Darshak Blades along the beach
Shall we a steely lesson teach!
And with each blow a cry of "BEER!"
Keeps at bay all trace of fear.
The restless dead stir from their graves.
Foul magic drives those necro-slaves.
They strive to conquer all that's good,
To blacken field and hill and wood.
Though many exiles fallen lie,
Our healers raise them, by and by,
To join the battle once again
Renewed in spirit, health, and ken.
The moonstone glow -- without that light,
Soon would fail our strength to fight.
Glorious is the touch of life!
A bulwark in these times of strife!
Fen, Human, Halfling, Sylvan, Zo,
Thoom, and Dwarf -- all freely go
Together, bound by friendship's ties.
In unity our triumph lies.

Birth of a Healer
by Bor
The world erupts
In a cacophony of light and noise
Blinded, I realize I must still be alive
For surely the pain of my burning skin
Would have faded if I were dead.
The last I recall
Was the battle we lost
Our precious books in flames
And the smell of cooked flesh
Still in my nostrils
Greetings my child
And all the pain fades away
In a voice filled with more love,
Care and kindness than
An entire lifetime could ever know
You have done well, my child
I offer you a choice
A choice you say, between what - and Hey!
Just who are you, and why am I
Even talking to you in this place
With only bright lights that no longer hurt my eyes
You have learned much,
But not yet enough.
I could use you still,
Especially if you can learn
What I believe there is inside you
Am I dead?
Are you the goddess?
That my child is why I have
Such fondness for you.
The ever-working mind
And its ability to grasp
The obvious in the face of impossibility
Ok, okay, no need to make fun
This is all a bit new to me
To the best of my knowledge Ive
Never been dead.
You spoke of a choice?
Yes my child, you have lived
A good life, full of learning and books.
These are worthwhile endeavors but
As Im certain youve learned,
A head full of books wont win a war.
The evil gains in strength with each passing day,
But all is not hopeless.
For there are many souls like yours
That fight, strive and breathe for nothing
But to see the sun shining bright,
On the Empires last day.
Your choice then is this:
Accept the reward
Which is yours if you wish it.
Rest in happiness and love
With your fallen friends and family
Or go back and learn
To keep this from happening again.
There is no choice for me,
I can still smell them,
Those I couldnt save, and
Behind my eyes, there is still the curl
Of the pages that fed the fire.
What did I do wrong?
What must I learn?
Your quest for knowledge is good
And virtuous and pure,
But a book burns in flame
And it cant block a sword.
You must learn to fight
In whatever way you can
Be strong, and brave
And remember, fight not for hate
But always for love.
Dear goddess yes!
First I feel the grass, itchy and wet
Then the wonderful smell
Of the damp forest, and the warmth
As the sun dances across my face.
I see, and rejoice, for I am alive
For love
The words bring me back.
I remember, it is not a dream
And I have a second chance.
Perhaps this time
I can keep them all alive

The Destroyer Cometh
by Lunaria
Fisherman and Knight
Stumbling along
Swiggin off flask
Roarin out song
Dark figure appears
Gives a crook of her finger
"What's this?" thinks the Knight
"A Babajaga ringer?"
Fisherman peers
Gives a hiccup or two
Sez "ooh babe yer hot"
"Wanna taste of my brew?"
Dark figure she smiles
With a hand on her hip
Green hair becomes flame
Knight bites on his lip
Knight elbows the Human
"She doth appear pleasing"
"Perhaps we might share
The rites of the season?"
Fisherman nods
And stumbles on towards her
She takes a step back
and beckons them southward
Quickly glancing around
"No one must see!
They lurch to the Tor
For a quickie or three
What happened next
No one really knows
About the two goats in rut
And the witch in repose
Take turns, and share?
Or take her at once?
Were they kind and considerate?
Or sneering when done?
All that we know
Bout this evening of vice
Is twins were conceived
Neither dad has been nice
The fisherman fishes
Knight he feigns shock
That any would think
He'd partake in "such rot"
But goatish ways
Aren't oft forgotten
His leering pomposity
Spells Honour turned rotten

In fire drowned, the darkness downs
About my soul, the coldness coils.
Rememberance of lingering frowns,
That held the weight of numbing toil.
The rain swept panes reflect your face.
The ache of knowing you're not there.
My tears (cold friendship) march in haste,
And endless days without the care
Of arms that once encircled me,
And kept me safe. Oh back I'm for,
If time so ran, back when I was free,
yet forward still, I god ignored,
Bereft of harmony, I'm still
enduring yet, their bitter will.

The Fifth Son
by Arod
When the Inquisitors exiled me
I was my Father's fifth son--
Charged by tradition to be a scholar
To know the forbidden tongue
To know our true past
To keep our family history sacred.
When I awoke on Puddleby's beach
I was my Father's fifth son--
Charged by tradition to give way to my elders
To hunt only by their leave
To take a junior daughter as my mate
To live a quiet life teaching secrets.
When I took the healer's stone
I was my Father's fifth son--
Charged by tradition to keep the faith
To heal shut bloody slashes
To soothe black bruises
To straighten splintered bones.
When all my flesh burned away
My Father's fifth son died--
Taintless, I was charged
To grow strong in the way of the sword
To cut the life out of my enemies
To live with no past, no morrow.

The Fisher-Thoom's Tale
by Healery
A pleasant summer's day; a fishing trip.
A pensive Thoom, the tiller in his grip.
His uncle and his sister at the lines
When one goes taut and points at distant spines.
"It's a Tho'Lin!" his sister cries with glee,
And rushes to retrieve it from the sea.
"Another fish," thinks Tamarin, and sighs,
A far-off look reflected in his eyes.
The winds and seas care little for one Thoom
Who'd rather be off reading in some room
Than fishing, yet again, as oft before.
A sudden gust, a mind not on its chore --
The boom comes 'round and knocks him to the waves.
The boat o'erturns. His skillful uncle saves
The family's catch; his sister grabs the mast;
But he himself, not thinking very fast,
Half-conscious, reaches for a passing line --
The one on the Tho'Lin. He chokes on brine.
Before they even recognize his plight,
The mighty fish has towed him out of sight.
Of sister, uncle, village, fish, and past,
This bookish Thoom for years has seen the last.
A gentle healer greets him as he wakes;
He seems at last recovered, though he makes
An effort to recall his past, and fails.
(Too bad he couldn't read the Puddl'by Tales.)
Four weeks ago, he learns, he washed ashore,
Disheveled, soaked, his every muscle sore.
His tattered robe hung on a half-starved frame,
His mind awash in waves of grief and shame.
The body's ills are easier to heal
Than guilty conscience put on even keel.
Still half in shock, he sets forth into town;
He walks on land now, but his sorrows drown.
The tavern-keepers grow to know him well,
As do the healers, answering his yell
When, drunk again, he trips and cannot rise,
And rats and vermine swarm him where he lies.
He cares for little else but wine and beer,
Lost in his sea of pain. Full half a year
He spends in mud and sorrow wallowing,
Until one chilly day in early spring
He chances to be sitting in the inn
That Kandrus keeps, still grieving for his kin.
"Good Thoom," that lightsome scholar says, "I think
"You feel you lost your past life in the drink.
"But now you risk your future there as well.
"I don't know why you grieve, but I can tell
"That what you're seeking won't be found in here."
Then Kandrus clears away the mugs of beer,
Smiles enigmatically, and turns away.
But as he leaves, the Thoom can hear him say,
"If I were you, I'd go see Hekus soon.
"Your spirit may find solace in the Moon."
Then Tamarin looks up, through his despair,
And comes to a decision, then and there.
He visits Hekus early the next morn
And of that visit new resolve is born.
Still hoping to recover all he's lost,
He searches on, no matter what the cost,
But now he also essays to repay
In kind all kindness shown, as best he may.

Gone to Sea, by Tayra
My feet tread the sand of the sea shore
My gaze roves across endless sea
My sorrow my nights shall belabor
Until you return Love to me
I shall not be gone but a fortnight
You said with your arms around me
I see your eyes glow in my mind-sight
And pray you'll return home to me
I cast my tears into the ocean
My Love so to ward you at sea
I wish I could know what devotion
Compels you to sail far from me
Regardless of sorrow I'm facing
My heart pure contentment shall see
If over the waves you are racing
To bring your love home safe to me

Love's Awakening
by Sleipnir
Of Tanglewood, that gentle Meadow, light
and flower'y plain, where first to breathless sight
my love appeared, for hours could I sing,
to make with pealing voice the forest ring.
And in that darkling western hut where spawn
the lowly vermin, there from dusk 'til dawn
my love and I would hunt. And thus my heart
did learn to love, and loving thus, to part
with her did fill my heart with sweetest sorrow.
For though I knew full well that on the morrow
would we meet again, and hunt once more,
yet in the time apart my eyes full sore
did weep.
In days to come I heard her name
cried out, as 'pon the southern beach she came
to dance the fierce and mighty Rockodile,
but dancing not then well, would fall, and while
she fallen lay, to there with scant delay
and beating heart went I. What I did say
I now can scarce recall, confusion reigned,
but I do well recall how much it pained
and tore my heart when my beloved fair
seemed heedless to my lonely, piteous stare.
And so, despairing of her love I fell
upon the sand at her right foot and well
I kissed her dainty shoe. With trembling tone
I told to her how lost, bereft, alone
I be without her love. Her gentle gaze
lay soft upon my brow, and in amaze
I heard those words, which in their manner fair
did burst my heart with joy and banish care.
And from that night, as well I might
I serve my love's desires.
In happiness, two lovers blessed
by love's devour'ing fires
And nevermore shall I be poor,
enriched by love's sweet charms.
As I do weep with joy to sleep
in my beloved's arms

night visions
by Kren'daa
The cries in the night
echo through my dreams.
They lie battered before me
in never ending streams.
I run to help yet I am
pulled back by the weed
entwining me "let me free!"
I plead as I watch them bleed.
Friends go beyond my reach,
beyond my touch, beyond the glows.
I lie on the red sand beach
watching as their life flows.
How long will the glow last?
How strong will they be?
Gaia,I beg, set me free. Let
me heal the hurt before me!
Warmth flows through me.
I look up through tears
and see a smiling face,
I lose all my fears.

The Old Mirror
by Katan
I stand before the mirror of old,
'tis oval in shape, and plated in gold.
I peek into the portal gate,
The Sun is setting, 'tis getting late.
I hear a snap of twig behind where I stand,
Turning, I see a Maha crouching in the sand.
My drawn sword glimmers in the light of the setting Sun.
From afar it looks this battle will not be won.
The Maha pounces with speed unmatched,
Claw meets blade with an awesome clash.
As dust clears, I find I'm still alive.
I sheath my sword, my hope revived.
I turn once more to face the golden gate,
Unsure of what now will be my fate.
Stepping through the swirling glass...
Will this action be my last?

On Top of the Tower
by Tam
On top of the tower
I sit every day
waiting for orga
to come charging my way.
I wave as you pass me
from where I sit in the shade
of the catapult that protects us
from the warlocks and rage.
And then one day it happens
while I'm away from my post;
the orga attack us
and the catapult's toast.
The orga just took it
leaving behind dead and the maimed
the pieces I help gather
as part of the Healer's Brigade.
Phineas--I found him
lying dead on the ground
helpfully I gather
the parts lying around.
Xantcha's good eyes spot
his lost hands and his head
then 12 of us gather
to raise him from the dead.
Sorties are sent out
to track our lost catapult
but they continue to run from
nasty orga in molt.
Lightning is showering
all 'round my furry self
leaving my lying
just south of an E.L.F.
Bizob comes running
then leaves in a rush
when four or five zappers
chase him into the brush.
So I lie here and ponder
the cost of our lost device
wishing I'd chosen
to stay home and raise mice.
My tale isn't over,
it's still being played out today
but the catapult remains lost
and Katpus ran away.
It's a terribly ill wind
that blows in no good
but at least now we have
a builder for our wood.

The Point of Sitrom Rogir's Cane
by Michael Aridfox
"Falinea! Guide this old fool!"
he cried out as we left on our
way toward that place.
"I've been gone a long time,
know the way," he inquired,
"to that grove in the woods?"
Assured him I did, that I would
lead the way. I had travelled
there oft long ago.
Embarassed myself in the old
fellow's eyes, I was sure. I could
not find the path.
He muttered of youngsters
these days, though himself at
a loss to proceed.
Were his eyes failing now,
had his memory waned? But his
years don't explain me inept.
Tree after tree I fumbled about,
while his wrinkles spelled sadness
and doubt wherever I looked.
He pondered the meaning, the loss
of the grove. "It was always a
beautiful place..."
I searched for pride's sake, but
began to despair quietly that the
way might be gone.
An unsettled fear settled in on
me then, that I cared even,
cared this much still.
My mind fled to hours and days
when I prayed and I pondered
and served and rejoiced.
Once thought entered old sacred
space, my foot found the place
it should step, used to step.
"It's HERE! Old Man, over here!"
I called out. With a cackling glee
he drew near.
Sudden spriteliness entered his gait
and he passed me up, hobbling less,
walking stick speeding through.
I myself slowed a bit, stood there
outside, saw regrets tower over
the trees.
Was it sin, shame or she that slew
something in me such that I
had so abandoned this path?
I pushed thoughts aside, swallowed pride
with a gulp and stepped into the
grove's sacred space.
The elder one beamed as he leaned
on his walking-stick, looking
for spring to arrive.
"Where could that lovely
lady have gone?" he asked
me as if I should know.
No answer would come, but the old
man approached, his cane poking
through icy crusts.
The crackling sound of his voice,
the weight of his words breaking
old frozen stillness startled me.
Beneath bushy white eyebrows lifted
my way, his inquiry's bitter cold bites
despite the delight in his voice.
"She certainly has left a mark
on the lands." I stared at his
knotted old hands gripping the cane.
He repeated it twice to me then,
"Perhaps she did not enjoy being
heralded as a Goddess."
Perhaps she did
not enjoy being
heralded as a Goddess.

Puddleby Seasonal Haiku
by Usagi Yojimbo
Yellow butterfly
floating over the road;
Spring is beginning
Strange mountains
stand against the sky
the night coming
White moon
growing over the water
summer dream
Lost leaves
floating against the sky
autumn time
White lake
stands with the snow
winter time
Puddleby city
sanctuary of exiles
under attack
Sons of Orion
twelve stars shining in the sky
Long live the Hunters!!

by Shatuga
Silver stars shining in midnight peace
Stirrings in shadows cease
In stealth you rise
Gentle wind bends the tender limbs
throbbing of the ember dims
I meet your eyes
Come rest yourself beside my fire
The rising flame of our desire
counters its demise
As darkness folds its arms around us
Our love at last has found us
Our sweet surprise

Stand by your clan,
by Vagile
Sometimes its hard to be a exile
Givin' all your coins to just one clan
You'll have poor times, while the treasury has rich times
Savin' for things you don't understand
Stand by your clan
Give them two metals to forge with
And yell their battle cry loudly
Through snells cold and lonely
Stand by your clan
And show the world you love them
Keep giving all the coins you can
Stand by your clan
Stand by your clan
And show the world you love them
Keep giving all the coins you can
Stand by your clan
But if you love them you'll enrich them
Even though they're hard to understand
And if you love them, Oh, be proud of them
Cause after all they're your clan
Stand by your clan
When Outcast reviles them
And other clans grow stronger
When clan hunts end in departs
Stand by your clan
And show the world you love them
Keep giving all the coins you can
Stand by your clan
Stand by your clan
And show the world you love them
Keep giving all the coins you can
Stand by your clan

Hedonist's Creed
Fill up my mug and give me lots of head;
The bubbles make me tingle going down.
I live a life of pleasure bed to bed,
And don't care if I rouse the bloomin' town.
From dawn to dusk I busily with sword
Pursue a view of fauna slightly skewed.
Then dusk to dawn I surely am not bored;
With heady lust for life am I imbued!
So gather 'round, me hearties, celebrate
With casks of wine and sing a rousing song!
All earthly pleasures ever dedicate
Yourselves and countless others to prolong.
Fill up my cup; the tab's completely paid,
Pursuit of happiness the goal I've laid.

by Lunaria
A full spring moon
They met, they danced
Firelight in their eyes
Into the dark, entranced
Forbidden by some
Natural to others
The canopy bowed down
While they bowed to each other
A meeting, a parting
The ritual of Spring
The Dance of the Wood
The Gift of the Trees
The belly soon swelled
The Mate most displeased
Steadfast she held to
The Rites for the Trees
Thus she departed
Kinward went she
Her belly, soft smile
Only reason they'd need
Babe borne in the woods
Dark skin, flame tressed
Unlike him, unlike her
Yet to her no distress
The kinfolk delighted
By this gift from the trees
Mingling of wood, moon and fire
Forest Child is she.

Hard Fallen
by Manx
Adua gasps in pain
beyond moonstone power
dragged upon a chain
past the east wall tower
healers try in vain
potion of uli flower?
sunstone shakes and groans
"nearly dead in town"
six and twenty stones
eventually gather round
Adua quietly moans
but not another sound
sun begins to rise
Adua hasn't yet
every healer cries
townies place their bets
hope fades from her eyes
Horus sends regrets
