Meeting with Captain Vagile and Prue the Witch in Tanglewood

Sleipnir says, "The coward witch, finally meets her Captain"
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile does not get it"
Sleipnir ponders, "I must be courteous, I must be courteous"
Phineas ponders, "This is going to be bad."
Prue says, "Babajaga *is* a long joke"
(Sleipnir smiles at Prue)
(Vagile Savane awards Sleipy a Distinguished Service Naval Medal)
Sleipnir says, "That is not polite, Prue."
Vagile Savane says, "for looking after things while Vagile was away"
Sleipnir ponders, "I am not surprised, though"
Sleipnir ponders, "Oooo she smells bad!!!"
Babajaga asks, "What did you give her??"
(Prue yawns)
(Sleipnir moves away a little)
Babajaga yells, "What did you give her??"
Vagile Savane asks, "give who?"
(Babajaga shakes Vagile)
Babajaga exclaims, "Prue!"
Phineas exclaims, "!"
Sleipnir ponders, "Does she ever wash?"
Vagile Savane says, "Sleipy and Prue got a medal each"
Prue says, "mine's bigger"
Vagile Savane says, "for keeping the navy spirit alive and well"
Babajaga asks, "You gave prue a medal????"
Babajaga yells, "You gave prue a medal????"
(Phineas covers his ears.)
Sleipnir says, "I be not so vain, and I care not for the size."
Vagile Savane says, "Captain Prue. Yes."
(Babajaga shakes Vagile again)
Babajaga yells, "Captaiiin Prue!!!!!"
Prue says, "lucky for you, neither does Baba"
(Babajaga frowns)
Vagile Savane says, "Prue is Captain of Fleet Prue"
Sleipnir says, "It is all in teh technique, I am told."
(Babajaga stomps on vagiles feet)
Vagile Savane says, "Sleipy is Captain of Fleet One"
Prue says, "then you are sunk"
Phineas exclaims, "!"
Babajaga asks, "And I am????"
Sleipnir asks, "And thou knowest this?"
Vagile Savane asks, "Master Gunner Fleet One?"
Sleipnir exclaims, "I be surprised indeed!"
Prue says, "read it on a tree"
Babajaga ponders, "hmmm"
Sleipnir ponders, "She can read!!!"
Sleipnir exclaims, "wonder of wonders!!!!"
Vagile Savane asks, "or whatever Captain Admiral Sleipy promotes you to?"
Babajaga exclaims, "And what was this nonsense about Ahse suddenly being Master Gunner and you not telling me!"
Prue says, "I could teach you"
Sleipnir says, "I be amazed in truth"
Sleipnir asks, "Teach me what, Lady?"
Sleipnir asks, "How to wash?"
Vagile Savane says, "oh yes"
Prue says, "to read"
Vagile Savane says, "she paid a big bribe for that"
Babajaga exclaims, "You didnt tell me!"
Vagile Savane says, "hmmm"
Sleipnir says, "That would be most kind, but the proximity would be difficult."
Vagile Savane says, "must have slipped vagile's mind"
Babajaga exclaims, "I thought prue and Ashe had gone and made it on their own!"
Prue says, "so...."
Vagile Savane says, "that would be dishonest"
Babajaga exclaims, "I had a court martial on my neck!!"
Prue says, "now we see who is right"
Prue says, "me"
Prue says, "and who is wrong"
(Babajaga frowns)
Prue says, "you"
Prue says, "ha ha ha"
Prue says, "oh the irony"
Babajaga ponders, "vagile will pay for this.."
Babajaga ponders, "revenge is sweet..."
(Phineas watches the unfolding events with dumbfounded fasination.)
Vagile Savane ponders, "mmmm sweet"
Prue exclaims, "Baba and Sleipnir, it seems, have been shown to be liars and userper!"
Babajaga exclaims, "No!"
Prue says, "yes"
Vagile Savane says, "Captain Admiral Sleipy has a medal too"
Babajaga exclaims, "Because I was in good faith! And acted as I saw right!"
Prue says, "but you were dead wrong"
Babajaga exclaims, "isnt that true vagile!"
Babajaga yells, "And how could I know!"
Vagile Savane says, "um"
(Babajaga stares at Vagile)
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile might have forgot to mention a little thing like that"
Prue says, "perhaps you should remain silent when you know nothing."
Babajaga asks, "And?????"
(Vagile Savane flushes)
Babajaga exclaims, "And maybe you should too Prue, as it seems I was not the only one who passed judgement to hastily!"
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile feels hot all of a sudden"
(Babajaga stares at Vagile)
(Babajaga taps her foot)
Prue says, "how so? I was right, and you are still a brassy tart"
(Babajaga slaps Prue)
Prue says, "careful, puppy"
(Vagile Savane tries to remember how a song goes)
Phineas exclaims, "!"
(Babajaga stares at Vagile and taps her foot impatiently)
Babajaga asks, "Welllllll?????"
(Vagile Savane whistles)
Babajaga asks, "A medal or someting perhaps?"
Vagile Savane ponders, "that's not it"
(Phineas whistles along with Vagile.)
Babajaga asks, "Something shiny???"
Phineas ponders, "Oh."
(Vagile Savane whistles)
(Phineas hums D'evon's song "The Rush".)
Babajaga asks, "Sparklies???"
(Babajaga frowns)
Vagile Savane says, "medals are pretty pricey items"
Prue says, "give her the Medal of First Class Foolishness"
(Vagile Savane checks her pockets)
Babajaga exclaims, "Quiet prue!"
Vagile Savane says, "let's see..."
Babajaga says, "You sorry cousin of a two legged rock lobster!."
Prue asks, "kiss my what?"
Babajaga exclaims, "Im waiting Vagile!"
(Babajaga growls)
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile could spare a Bronze Star of Lifesaving and Swimming Excellence for 10 coins"
Babajaga yells, "Not enough!!!"
Vagile Savane says, "which is at cost of course"
•The Sun sets.
Prue says, "50 coins, then"
(Babajaga kicks vagile)
Vagile Savane says, "considering the circumstances"
Vagile Savane exclaims, "ow!"
(Sleipnir tries to comfort her)
Babajaga says, "I want a medal for bravery etc etc etc"
Vagile Savane says, "Ashe borrowed all of them with the Navy coins"
Babajaga says, "And for doing the right thing in a time of great distress"
Prue says, "Bravery in the Execution of an Unjust Cause"
(Phineas notices the three scholors.)
Babajaga says, "Bah."
Babajaga exclaims, "You wendecka befreinding Tangleweed eater!"
Prue says, "shrew"
Babajaga exclaims, "Your words sounds like the hootings of an affected T'rool!"
Ptolemy ponders, "orga loving lawyer"
(Babajaga whacks vagile in the head with her sack)
(Sleipnir sighs)
Babajaga yells, "Medal!!!!!"
Prue ponders, "sack? I thought it was a hunchback."
Olmy says, "heh"
Vagile Savane ponders, "Ptolomy goes too far!"
(Babajaga opens her sack and finds her needle)
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile needs a lizard"
Babajaga says, "I want a full explanation from your hand vagile, AND an apology from Prue et all"
(Olmy gives Vagile a lizard from his pack.)
Babajaga says, "I merely did what I thought was right"
Vagile Savane says, "thank you Olmy but not the right one"
Olmy ponders, "hmmm..."
Prue asks, "apology? for assuming my proper rank while you blundered about in darkness?"
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile needs a little green lizard that is about the size of your hand"
Babajaga says, "Now dear vagile, a medal.."
Vagile Savane says, "and it has a red stripe on the tail"
(Olmy skins, roasts, and eats the lizard.)
Vagile Savane says, "and when you squeeze behind the head it squirts lizard juice"
Babajaga says, "Vagile has already said that she failed to inform me."
Vagile Savane says, "and when you drink the lizard juice then everything gets better"
(Olmy offers Vagile the lizard's head.)
Prue says, "and yet you were still wrong"
Babajaga asks, "And??"
Babajaga asks, "So????"
(Babajaga frowns)
(Vagile Savane exmaines the lizard)
Prue says, "So... I owe you now apology."
Vagile Savane says, "a relative"
Prue says, "in fact, you owe me one"
Olmy says, "heh"
Vagile Savane says, "but not the right species"
Sleipnir says, "Very well. I shall say no more."
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile really needs a lizard now"
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile is very confused"
Babajaga says, "No. I will not apologize alone"
(Babajaga whacks Vagile a little more in the head)
Vagile Savane exclaims, "ow!"
Vagile Savane exclaims, "that's not a lizard!"
Prue says, "I see... so this is the knighthood... they don't even apologize when they learn they are in the wrong. typical"
(Babajaga taps her foot, and reaches out her hand)
Olmy ponders, "Lounge Lizard?"
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile is sorry for being wrong"
Babajaga says, "Im not a Knight Prue.."
(Babajaga chuckles)
Tuan exclaims, "hiya all!"
Prue says, "yeah yeah. ranger"
(Babajaga nods and waits for more)
Olmy says, "I am a Squire."
(Babajaga nods and waits for more)
(Phineas gestures to a tree.)
Prue asks, "ugly?"
Babajaga says, "Medal Vagile......."
Vagile Savane asks, "Vagile is very sorry for being very wrong?"
Babajaga says, "Hmm...its getting there..."
Babajaga says, "Now the medal."
Vagile Savane says, "Prue if you got medals for being ugly you would have them all by now"
Prue says, "Vagile..."
Prue asks, "why are you taking orders from a subordinate?"
Babajaga says, "For.. bravery, compassion, truthfulness..etc etc etc"
Babajaga ponders, "Because I have a larger axe"
Vagile Savane asks, "what about Lifesaving and Swimming Excellence and you can owe vagile the 10 coins?"
Prue ponders, "larger ass?"
Babajaga exclaims, "No!!! Will not be enough!!!!"
Vagile Savane ponders, "largess"
(Olmy stifles a grin.)
Prue ponders, "largest ass?"
Vagile Savane says, "but Vagile has seen Babs swim and she is pretty good at it"
(Babajaga picks up some thought currents that are not pleasing..)
(Babajaga stares at all)
Prue ponders, "well... she has that floatation device"
Babajaga says, "Hmm..."
Prue says, "Baba..."
Babajaga ponders, "No medal!!"
Vagile Savane says, "Ashe has all the rest of the medals"
(Babajaga frowns)
Babajaga asks, "Ashe???"
Prue says, "your hips are blocking my view of the forest."
Vagile Savane says, "with the navy coins"
Babajaga exclaims, "You spout foolish notions faster than Vermine Breed in spring!"
Phineas ponders, "Hm."
(Vagile Savane quickly crosses out Swimming Excellence while Baba is not looking)
Babajaga ponders, "Not that that will shut her up..."
Sleipnir ponders, "Prue is but a clapper-mouthed bawd"
(Prue polishes the lovely medal Vagile gave her.)
(Babajaga looks upon it in envy)
Prue says, "it's so.... big."
Prue says, "and shiny"
(Babajaga notices how it glows..)
Prue says, "and important"
(Vagile Savane quickly writes Being Brane (crossed out) Brave)
Vagile Savane says, "Babs"
Babajaga asks, "Yes?"
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile would like to award you this special medal of Lifesaving and Being Brave"
Babajaga says, "Hmm"
(Babajaga thinks about it)
(Olmy wipes the orga blood from his boot.)
Prue asks, "doesn't that say Brane?"
Vagile Savane says, "becuase indeed you save lives bravely"
Babajaga asks, "Does it say brane?"
Vagile Savane says, "shhh"
Prue says, "branely"
Vagile Savane says, "no b-r-a-v-e"
Vagile Savane asks, "see?"
Prue asks, "but what's that crossed out stuff?"
(Babajaga takes her Navy badge and throws it on Vagile)
Vagile Savane says, "that was an engravers error"
Babajaga yells, "Here is your badge!"
(Prue shrugs.)
Vagile Savane says, "medal"
Babajaga yells, "I resign!"
Prue says, "hard to tell *what* it says.... its so.... dull and small and not shiny"
Babajaga says, "Grr"
Babajaga exclaims, "You Arachne polishing phsycopant!"
Vagile Savane ponders, "must promote Prue to Fire Fighter"
Prue asks, "can you do other tricks, Babs?"
(Sleipnir gazes at the beautiful Babajaga with misty-eyed adoration)
Babajaga says, "I have resigned the Navy my love"
Vagile Savane ponders, "her skill at extinguishing blazes in non-pareil"
(Sleipnir nods sadly)
Prue ponders, "about time"
Sleipnir says, "It be a most disgraceful service I fear."
Babajaga says, "vagile refused to give me the acknowledgement I deserve"
Sleipnir exclaims, "I am so sorry, my Beloved!"
Babajaga says, "So.."
Vagile Savane says, "that's not true"
Babajaga exclaims, "Indeed!"
Babajaga exclaims, "It is vagile!!"
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile offered a special medal"
Sleipnir says, "Thou art not appreciated fully, I fear."
(Olmy waves.)
Vagile Savane says, "no one else has one like it"
Babajaga exclaims, "For swimming!!"
(Babajaga frowns)
Prue says, "if he loved you, he'd give you *his* medal"
Olmy says, "Farewell my friends."
Vagile Savane exclaims, "for Being Brave!"
Sleipnir exclaims, "An excellent thought!!!!!!"
Prue says, "brane"
(Sleipnir gives Babajaga his medal)
Babajaga exclaims, "And right and faithful to the service!"
Prue says, "of course, you'd have to settle for a *used* medal."
(Babajaga takes it with a smile, but hands it back again)
Sleipnir says, "Nay, I have not used it once."
Prue says, "but hand-me-downs are good enough for you"
Vagile Savane says, "he barely wore it"
Babajaga exclaims, "Oh my love so sweet of you!"
Babajaga says, "But I cannot accept. You know I cannot"
Sleipnir exclaims, "For love of thee, I would do yet more!"
(Sleipnir sighs sadly)
(Babajaga sighs happily)
(Phineas waves and creeps off.)
Sleipnir ponders, "Ah me, how beautiful she is"
(Babajaga smiles.)
(Sleipnir blushes)
(Babajaga hums softly.)
Prue says, "Vagile..."
(Sleipnir gazes at the beautiful Babajaga with misty-eyed adoration)
(Babajaga sways back and forth to a tune in her head.)
Vagile Savane asks, "mmm?"
Prue says, "my medal is so heavy... I need help carrying it."
(Sleipnir is entranced)
(Babajaga smiles.)
Vagile Savane says, "you will have to force a crew member to help you"
Babajaga says, "Im glad I am done with the navy. I will start an army instead."
Vagile Savane says, "make it a medal bearer"
(Sleipnir cheers!!!!!)
(Babajaga cheers.)
Vagile Savane asks, "can Vagile be a general?"
Sleipnir exclaims, "Aye, a wonderful thought!"
Babajaga yells, "Puddleby Army!"
Sleipnir yells, "Puddleby Army!!!"
Vagile Savane says, "Vagile would be a great general"
Babajaga says, "Aye"
Prue yells, "I think you mean Prueddleby"
Babajaga exclaims, "And my love a great Admiral!"
Sleipnir says, "Um....."
Babajaga asks, "No?"
Babajaga says, "Oh"
Sleipnir whispers, "armies don't have admirals"
Babajaga says, "Only sea"
Babajaga says, "A little problem there"
(Sleipnir grins)
(Babajaga laughs.)
(Olmy thinks he is going around in circles in a fog.)
Babajaga says, "Hmm"
(Ptolemy hides in the tree)
Babajaga says, "General then"
(Babajaga smiles.)
Sleipnir says, "I suggest Vagile be a colonel at most"
(Vagile Savane looks around for a missing mystic)
Babajaga says, "Yes"
Babajaga exclaims, "Only that.. with no medals!!"
Sleipnir exclaims, "And thou canst be the Field Marshal!"
(Ptolemy breaks a branch due to the feast he had earlier)
(Babajaga cheers.)
Vagile Savane says, "Captain General Squire Vagile"
(Sleipnir cheers too)
(Ptolemy lands)
Vagile Savane yells, "Puddleby United Armed Forces"
(Babajaga cheers.)
(Sleipnir cheers)
Babajaga yells, "Yes!!!"