Takara´s tale

More than a year ago after my parents were pleading so intensely for me
to come back to their wealthy villa on the mainland, I finally gave in. For a while I thought I have had enough of the rough life in Puddleby, always having to fight for food and money. My parents welcomed me very warmly, they provided me with the finest food money can buy, gave me best quality clothes and a big room withfancy furniture in their house. But instead of being very happy, I got really bored.
I started missing my friends badly and partying with all those rich snobs wasn't my idea of fun.

So one night I changed into my blue shirt and skirt (my uniform for Blue Kitty Brigade) again, put on my black boots and walked into the darkness. It isn't very recommendable for a blond girl to walk alone through the dark town, but due to my warrior past such things never concern me. Of course I lost most of my formerly high trained muscles and fighting skills during that time of endless partying and goofing around with nothing to do but spending money for useless articles like golden jewelry, fancy clothes and expensive perfume. Nevertheless I bravely walked through the night, my head held high, aware of the club in my backpack, ready to assist me in whatsoever trouble might cross my way. I only had one thing in mind: Going back to Puddleby, seeing my friends again and leading the exciting life of a female fighter with all its dangers and challenging adventures.

Puddleby is an island rather far away from the mainland and sail boats usually avoid the rough sea and the genuine risk of meeting a boat with darshaks. So I have to admit that the money of my parents was very helpful in the case of bribing the captain to head to Puddleby despite all risks. Although I had to threaten the horny shipboys with my club from time to time (they somehow got the idea of me being some defenceless girl, ready to jump into their racks for one night), I enjoyed the voyage.

But then, after two weeks without any incident, happened what we had always feared. A darshak pirate boat crossed our way on the rough sea, ready to attack and board. The steersman yelled in fear, everyone prepared himself as best as he could to defend the boat and its passengers to the death if necessary. I ran to my backpack, grabbed my club, praying to all gods I could think of at the moment (not that I really expected any help, most of them weren't quite useful the times before anyway, but everyone prays to the gods in such situations, so I decided to stick to that tradition) and got ready to fight for my life once again. It was a sanguinary battle, we lost some brave men, we fought with all our heart and soul and defeated the enemies eventually. But for all that mourning, the great loss of our comrades, I felt something coming back to me, something I thought I had already lost, the thrill of fighting, the wonderful experience of a team working together for the success of the group, one for all and all for one. I realised that this is what I wanted to sacrifice my life to.

Soon after that we finally reached Puddleby's shore. I jumped off the boat, ran into town and was very surprised how it had changed since I had last seen it. New houses all over the place, strange people passing by. I walked around starry-eyed, enjoying the atmosphere and looking for familiar folks. Then I saw him, my little brother and clanmate Relkin, standing around in town with Wrath, another clanmate.
They were laughing and teasing each other like they always used to do and I suddenly knew this was where I will always belong to, this is my place to be, nowhere else.

Well, to make a long story short, I met most of my friends, officially joined my clan, Neko no Kessha, again and started my training all over. Thanks to my dearest and very generous friends who never completely forgot me, I was in the happy position to get an axe and shield rather early (I almost wasn't even able to carry it around with me at first, tell me about sore muscles, I know all about it). One of my happiest days so far was the day when Shinobi, our very honorable clan leader and my big brother (well, despite to my blond hair color and him being older, he's certainly sillier than me, but that really doesn't matter, it makes him even cuter), came back to the island. Though I never completely lost contact to him (we wrote letters every now and then), I had missed him badly. The other very important happening in my life was the engagement to Quaestor, though it has a sad ending. Quaestor one day heard a distant sound of wailing souls that led him to believe that his family was in trouble. He fled the Island two nights later. He plans to return with his family and back to his beloved fiance one day. So the marriage had yet to be adjourned indefinately. Though I am very sad about that matter and keep up the hope that he will come back, I fortunately have good friends to give me consolation. My friends are my most valuable treasure and I would honestly do everything for them.
