From the desk of Cradlesong Day 101 of the year 541

Ah, my is GOOD to be back amongst the living...

I am still weak from my ordeal, but I will attempt a brief overview of the
events surrounding my torment...

Day 76 of the Year 541...
Jan'a, a relatively new exile to me aproached whilst I pondered in town. She
seemed very preturbed about something, but was unable to speak. After
arduous puzzling, I deduced that Neige had fallen within Tenebrions'
Demesne. I rushed to the isle and met up with several exiles (Sargon
included) who were antiously attempting a rescue. Upon reaching Neige within
the tunnel leading to the courtyard, we learned of other fallens within the
tower. After being reinforced by another influx of rescuers, we braved the
tower. J'jh, who has been nothing but a saint to me since my arrival on the
isle, was one of many fallen quite high up in the tower. We gained floors,
we rose whom we could and chained the others. Upon reaching a room new to
me, I was struck by many bolts coming from an artifact in the center of the
room. Running for my life, I tripped and fell through a concealed passageway
to the uppermost level of the tower. I believe upon my arrival, Skirwin was
laying near a bed and I had stumbled quite far into the room before I could
get my bearings.

I had met him before, but never imagined his cruelty. As I stated, I had
stumbled and then fell into the center of the room. Tenebrion (or something
being a representation of Tenebrion) began to hurl bolts of lightning and
fire ball upon my fallen body. Other exiles began to arrive in the room and
were quickly cut down by the undine milling about. As I was closest to
Tenebrion, I absorbed the full onslaught of his anger. The other exiles,
being behind me, were spared his torment. As a healer, I felt it was my duty
(even though I couldn't save the fallen) to ease their suffering and absorb
the pain which otherwise would have been inflicted upon there fallen bodies.
I did not fool myself into thinking that I would be saved. I awaited the
others to (ooc disconnect) loose conciousness before I did the same. I
believe that soon thereafter, they were able to depart or be saved.

Day 84 of the Year 541...
I had believed that Tenebrion would have his servants thow me into the
cooler. I could not have been more wrong... Tenebrion had remained...he
immediately resumed his assult.

Day 89 of the Year 541...
The day of the wedding had arrived. I felt it would be my last chance for
Tenebrion to release me in good will. Alas...I was ignored. With my
remaining strength...I tried to depart my body...and failed. I was unable by
any means known to me to depart my body. (note: this would have been my 3rd
time departing)

Day 93 of the Year 541...
It was early afternoon. Again my plight was noticed by several good exiles.
(Up till this point, I was urged to depart by those who could not hear my
cries for help) Thuja, Babajaga, Achates, and many others felt the need to
at the very least, return my body to the peace of the town. It was a brave
and valiant rescue. Upon the return to town...a dark pressence left my
body, I know not what it was, but I got the feeling that Tenebrion may have
had a lock on my soul which kept me from departing. Being free of his
grip...and with the friendly hopes of the rescuers, I once again...with my
last breath whispered the word...\depart.

After being asleep in the mists for days, I returned to the library and my
studies. I am loath to speak of the ordeal so soon, but will answer as I can
if there are any querries.

again thank all involved in my return.