People of Puddleby,

I have been taken advantage of for the last time. Our verbal
agreement allowed a three zodiac period for your town to present a
written treaty. The treaty has not been forthcoming.

I held my end of the agreement at great personal expense. As a direct
result of my staying the hand of my mercenary guards and preventing
them raiding your town in vengeance for their fallen comrades, the
Darshak traitors were able to bribe a contingent of the guards to
rise against me. I was forced to negotiate new employment terms with
the ones who did not join the rebellion and it has severely depleted
my treasury.

I will no longer entertain any treaty negotiations with your town as
a whole. In gratitude for those who helped me quell the rebellion,
and in the last vestiges of hope that some peace may still exist
between us, I ask your clans to strike their own treaty agreements
with me. I hold one such treaty with one of your clans. I hope that
more might be entered.

The magic I have used to hold the fog around the shores of my island
grows weak. I ask that those who seek peace to refrain from any
invasion of my privacy and come to my domain only by express
invitation. Any other excursion upon my property will be deemed an
invasion and be met with force and retribution.

If you seek an audience, please contact my good and loyal friend,
Tyking, and he will inform me so that a time might be arranged.

My studies call for more of your pendants which allow access to
purgatory. I continue my offer of an exchange of a Sword of Souls for
a pendant to any who would trade with me and earn my gratitude and

One of your scholars, Malkor, stole a Sword of Souls. I ask that he
be brought to what justice you have at your disposal and that the
stolen item be returned. I will raise a reward for any who return my
stolen property. I will offer the same reward for his head on a
