I have wrestled with myself since the day I received your kind letter.
It is difficult for me to know what to do -- we know little of each
other and yet I think we may soon become close friends. I honestly do
not wish to interfere in your affairs, but with my expectation of
future friendship, and my fear of possible shame if I keep silent, I
think that there is something you should know.
When I was a student in the Capital, I had reason to investigate
several of the obscure magical rites that were illegally practiced
within the Ascendancy. During these investigations, I discovered a
particular set of legends that I found disturbing because they had
elements that are common to many races and places in the Empire. Rare
to be sure, but the similarities could not be discounted.
These legends speak of the Moon and her Second Children. As I'm sure
you remember, tradition tells us that the Moon kept 12 of her Second
Children shielded "so that at least some of them might partake in the
joy of living."
It has been endlessly debated whether these Children still walk the
land or have passed into the beyond after the rise of the Third
Children. No one knows for sure, though there is much speculation.
There is another part of this tradition, however, that tells of the
other Second Children of the Moon who were hung "in the night sky with
her, as stars to keep her company in the dark loneliness of night."
These MoonChildren, so the legends say, are hungry for life and feel
robbed of their destinies by their mother. What I wish to tell you,
Sleipnir, is that the common thread to all these tales speaks of
certain arcane rituals that can be performed by a witch to draw the
spirit of one of these star demons into her own body. So immense is the
life-energy of these beings that the woman may endure the extreme
passion and ecstasy it brings her for only a single night. Such an act
is clearly obscene, but it is said that the witch who performs this
ritual will command the power to do nearly whatever she wishes.
The MoonChild asks for one thing in return -- a child, a construct that
is capable of sustaining the MoonChild's life here on earth
This request does not seem to be a difficult task, for on the night of
the ritual, the witch (that some call Succubus) is said to easily
enthrall the most steadfast of men -- maliciously robbing him of his
essence and stealing his memories so he cannot recollect his sin. It is
said that these beings have such power that they can "take" a man in
wild and raucous abandon while his wife sleeps contentedly beside him!
Good Sleipnir, I do not tell you this to worry you or to spread what
could be superstitious nonsense. I do not know if the traditions of
MoonChildren are fact or fantasy, but I have read accounts of many
credible witnesses who claim to have seen such a Succubus. I also know
the Defenders will exile any woman who is found to possess knowledge of
these rites. I warn you because, if true, the demon will have great
strength in this world and without doubt will do everything in it's
power to protect the child and the witch that carries it.
Please be vigilant,