Fellow Exiles, Fellow Wanderers, we greet ye. In the name of Chivalry we greet ye. In the name of Love and Honour we greet ye. In the name of the world tree, Ambaralda, and the white tree, Telperalda Voronda, we greet ye.

(Healery bows. Sleipnir bows. Babajaga bows.)

Ours is often a hard land, a land of exile and separation, of sorrow and strife. Yet sometimes in the midst of this hardship such a spirit arises as sets the very stars to ringing in jubilation. It is my great joy and honor to share such a celebration with you today. For, in the boundless love of Sleipnir for Babajaga, and in the everlasting love of Babajaga for Sleipnir, has such a bright and beauteous spirit arisen that we can but give great thanks for this Blessing to our Land.

Thus do I bid you all, regard this couple before you. A couple that is here in sight of all to swear vows stronger than the grey steel, harder than the black obsidian, more steadfast than the mountains at the base of the world, and more joyful than the singing golden tree of Laurelindorinan.

\yell Ilquen aiya Sleipnir ar Babajaga Vanimalda

\yell All Hail, Sleipnir and Babajaga.

(Babajaga to Sleipnir: Meleny'an tye silma elenesse helleva. Meleny'an tye seresse tumbaletaureva. Meleny'an tye anda seresse nuruhuineva. Nati tenn'ambar-metta melenya tenn'ambar-metta.

In the silver stars of the sky is my love for thee. In the quiet of the deep forest is my love for thee. In the long sleep of death is my love for thee. As these things endure until the world's end, so shall my love for thee.)

As doth the mighty Oak, thy love endures.

(Babajaga: Ve meletyalda norne melenya oiale)

As doth the weeping Willow, thy love grieves.

(Babajaga: Ve siqilisse melenya yaimea)

As doth the silver Birch, thy love shines.

(Babajaga: Ve silqeleni melenya sila)

(Babajaga to Sleipnir: Airaldanen enyala vandanen. Ambaraldanen enyala vandanen. Babajaga Vanimalda enyalie vandanen.

Upon the Sacred Tree I so swear. Upon the World Tree I so swear. I, Babajaga, have sworn.)

\yell Ilquen aiya Sleipnir ar Babajaga Vanimalda

\yell All Hail, Sleipnir and Babajaga.

(Sleipnir draws his sword and plants it in the ground, tip down. Sleipnir puts one hand on his sword, and the other on Babajaga's heart. Babajaga puts one hand on the sword, the other on Sleipnir's heart.)

Art thou a true and worthy knight?

(Sleipnir: I be so, to my greatest extent)

Dost thou swear that thy love is pure and unsullied?

(Sleipnir: I do so swear)

(Sleipnir to Babajaga: My heart is thine. My soul is thine. In thee alone do I love, and in thee alone do I live. Upon my sword I so swear. Upon thy heart I so swear. I, Sleipnir, have sworn.)

Lords and Ladies, good folk of all stations, ere the final vow be taken between these two before ye, it is my duty publicly to enquire whether there be any obstacle under the Laws of Man or Nature to their union. If any here hath knowledge of such an impediment, I bid thee speak now, or forever hold thy peace.

(Healery waits. Sleipnir waits. Babajaga waits)

\yell Ilquen aiya Sleipnir ar Babajaga Vanimalda

\yell All Hail, Sleipnir and Babajaga.

(Babajaga: Rinalotenen haryalye Sleipnir araninyan ar vernonyan.)

(Babajaga puts a flowercrown on Sleipnir's brow)

(Sleipnir: With this crown of flowers I take thee, Fair Babajaga, as my Queen and my bride)

(Sleipnir puts a flowercrown on Babajaga's brow)


\yell Vandar otelyie. It is done.