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And what better way to begin a new month than to begin it with a dedication to one of the biggest fuckwits ever to grace the face of this earth. I mean, of course, the delectable Outcast; so graceless and idiotic as to be vastly, vastly, amusing. Hence, our Outcast extravaganza. I was the wonderful Snoutarsed, and received only a few bad karma for my accurate rendition of Outcastian vulgarity. They were, I fear to say, all from Slyph, who just did NOT see the funny side. She would, I imagine, claim there wasn't one, but she would be wrong because there was. I know, because I saw it. Actually, I'm not quite sure why she took such violent exception to our little performance (and she did, oh she did indeed). But, to be honest, I have little time to deal with those humourless or otherwise preachy types who choose to criticise my own vulgarity. I am vulgar and rude because I choose to be so, and if you don't like it you can.... well.... use your imagination.
Even non-RQ types quickly joined in the fun, which surprised me somewhat. It goes without saying that if they had known they were participating in a pathetic snot-nosed RQ pseudo-melodrama they would not have. |
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Just returned from Hamilton where I spent a lovely few days eating Fiona's cooking and pretending to be intellectual. I don't think I actually fooled anyone though. Gave the opening address which was nice. Showed lots of colour pictures, waved my hands about, and generally said foolish things. About what people expect by now I imagine. Now it's only a couple of weeks before the Ohio meeting, and then only another couple of weeks before the New Orleans stuff. A busy summer so far. Cancelled two gigs this weekend because I just couldn't be bothered. So only the Sunday one left for now.
Cooler heads hopes Worf? I doubt my head was ever not cool to be honest. I tend not to worry about things like that. However, I do feel quite comfortable with the present expurgated form of my diary, so it won't be changing. All those terrible things about me you just won't get to know. And don't think I said it all before. Ho Ho Ho, not by a long shot. Just as Worf's diary heats up. Ouch. As I said, tie a knot for me. But, you know (and this is just an odd thought that occured to me), have you ever just considered showing your devotion by buying her flowers instead. It's a shit load easier. Well, I imagine it is, but can't say from direct personal experience. Either with flowers or whips, to be honest.
Off to get the new outboard motor checked over, get boltcutters, remove the old motor, blah blah blah. What fun. But I'll be sailing again soon I hope. I really should be working.
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Dear oh dear, what an awful fucking weekend it was. And work was no better this morning either. Bloody kids drove me crazy, fought with my wife continually, horribly bloody gig, and CL was a complete disaster. Some weekends are just better than others. Where to start, oh where to start?
Pictures to the left are from the attempted exploration of GMV which was (predictably) a total disaster. The only way to get people to participate is to take in a small group and have them all fall. In the ensuing rescue enough people might come to make an exploration possible. So that is what we did. Eventually took 12 healers (I think) to raise Sleipy. But of course nothing interesting was found by anybody. Yor had a good idea as to where Trillbane might be found, so I'll try that next. |
Why else was CL so dire? Hmmm... well... Gurgi managed to really piss me off. And I mean *really*. Log on, see that Baba is falling past Wisher's Gate, so Sleipy decides to do his foolish Knight thing and go and rescue her solo. Yes, yes, I am quite aware that he would not have been welcomed by the super-jocks, but he wouldn't actually have hurt anyone except himself. He made it all the way to Wisher's Gate but he couldn't get in, so he got fried by the locks outside. He didn't bother toggling anybody, and was just about to depart, when Lo and Behold, along comes Lorikeet, raises Sleipy and takes him through the gate. So far so good.
Whereupon Sleipy was informed that Lorikeet was allowed to raise him because he had Gurgi's permission to join their hunt. She had, of course, checked first. Otherwise, one supposes, he would have been left to rot. "Gurgi's permission?" think I. Gurgi can take his permission and shove it. I was angry enough to chew nails. I wasn't too happy with dear old Babs either, let me tell you, as this whole super-jock thing is more than a little irritating. Wasn't really her fault though, but thou shalt be judged by the company thou keepest. So, anyway, after declining such a kind offer I roamed around for a bit in the area past the gate, eventually fell, and immediately departed. I really didn't feel like coping with the present company. |
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And I'm still in a foul temper (but not about that any more). At work this morning I got put through the ringer for not passing enough students.
Basically, says I, fuck you. I'll pass who the fuck I want to.
Oh no, says the committee, the rules don't let you do that.
Shove the rules, says I.
(Stalemate, slight pause).
Shouldn't such decisions be left up to academic board to decide? they ask.
No, says I, because academic board have their heads stuck up their arses and their rules are morally and academically indefensible.
You are a problem faculty member, says the committee.
Yup, says I. What are you going to do about it?
Hmmmm.... says the committee.
(Sit quietly, then exit stage left)
Their problem is that they will find it rather hard to touch me, as I'm senior to most of them, and a shit load better known. Not to mention that I'm right. After all, they went to great pains to hire me, so they ain't gonna fire me now. But they still piss me off.
My temper wasn't helped by having to cancel out a number of gigs. One big one down in Tauranga. Most embarassing to cancel, as I was actually the main guest. Other one was just a regular gig, out on Waiheke island. But it was that or divorce I think. And then the gig I did get to do was a total disaster. I was too bad-tempered to even think about playing nicely. So I didn't, and played like the idiot I really am. Not even Earl could cheer me up. (New Yorker, African-American, dreadlocks, drummer with an *attitude*. We get along well.) Mind you, he got rather irritated with the band leader too. That's the real trouble there; the band is led by someone whose musical ability resides in his penis. All he ever thinks about is screwing things that move. Or don't move. Whatever. But he can't play the guitar for shit. I really need to leave that band, I really do. Well, to be honest, I like Michael a lot, I really do. He just can't play music. His stories are hilarious though :)
Ah well, let us hope the week improves. A big wave to Worf. You're a braver man than I. But don't tempt me with the Barney Picture........ Damn, too late. I love you, you love meeeee We're a happy famileeeeee With a great big hug and kiss from me to Yooooooou Won't you say you love me toooooo? |
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Oh yes, and here's another reason last weekend was so annoying. Bloody Darshak. I was fallen for a *long* time. Grrrrr.... Couldn't even hit the bloody things. It wasn't so long ago that a Darshak invasion was just a joke, anybody could stomp on the bloody things. Not now, oh no.
Got to see the Orga Magician in OC4 for the first time. Helped Malkor get a fancy-arse stone, which pisses Sleipy off cause he can't stand Malkor. I actually think he's a pretty cool wee spriggen. Sleipy quite likes Aki, but I fear I don't very much. He's impossible to talk to, and quite unfriendly. He always manages to give the distinct impression that one should be flattered that he's paying you a little attention, and that he's really got better things to do. So I'm glad Malkor got the stone instead. Newton (POS I think) made some lovely remarks about the red-footed penguin. Offended Sleipy but amused me greatly. Imagine doubting a Knight's word! Golly Gee! Newton's a good exile.
More lurking readers of this diary come out of the woodwork. Behr (whom Sleipy doesn't really know all that well, but what I have seen I like a lot. Very well-spoken.) noticed my slighting reference to Michael. That's the CL Michael, not the RL Michael who can't play the guitar for shit. For all I know the CL Michael can't either, so maybe that particular distinction isn't much help. Anyway, Behr pointed out that Michael isn't really so bad, and was a good friend of his. I shouldn't be so mean I guess, 'cause there's probably nothing wrong with Michael. He's not malicious like a number of others I could name. And I will. Sephiroth. Arocet. Outcast. Noah is just plain silly, and tries to copy Outcast. He really needs a new role model. Khelek isn't so bad either, he actually spoke politely to me once, after I'd given him a flea in the ear for broadcasting details of my private life over the sunstone. Maybe he realised he'd gone a bit too far. Still, maturity can be a serious problem for most of that crowd. They should get lessons perhaps. Why am I wasting my precious time discussing snerts? Well, if Tove can, then so can I. I found her cleverly hidden link in Baba's web pages and had a wonderful 15 minutes or so reading her pearls of wisdom. Including her thoughts on snerts. I must say, she's a lot more patient and tolerant than I am. It's ironic. Tove's character has free rein to be as rude to snerts as she wants, while Tove herself is the soul of patience. Sleipy however is essentially forced to be as polite as I can stomach, while my own inclinations are very much more towards abuse and rudeness. I've slipped up a few times and made Sleipy send some wonderfully expressed bad karma, but not as often as I'd like. Ah well, it's in life's little ironies that we find the strength to laugh at the world. Baba's hidden link contained all sorts of other gems too. She even mentioned me! Yes, she did! Huzzah! But she wasn't entirely accurate in all things I fear to say. I don't really look like Sleipy at all, as my facial expression is rather less vacant. I hope. And for other reasons too of course. But a big wave to Tove, and a big smile. She has always been much more private than I, and so to read her thoughts (not just Baba's thoughts) was a real treat. Stop reading this now, and rush over there. Sleipy is camped in the South Pass caves waiting to see if a door will open at the full moon or something like that. Makes for very very very very very very boring clanning, but at least I can chat with other snot-nosed pseudo-RQ baby tree-hugging bimbos while Sleipy sits and twiddles his thumbs. Next year is already starting to get booked up with trips out of town. I'll have to be careful I don't oversubscribe, or we'll have a repetition of last weekend. Ouch. And I've even managed to do some real work the last few days. A nice change. Still no outboard motor though :( Just as a matter of interest, I think I'll put a counter on this page. |
December 8thAnd now my bad temper is really coming back to haunt me. I had absolutely no idea that people like Gurgi and Sephiroth actually read my rantings. But the counter is already almost 30 (in less than a day) which surprises me. I guess the world is full of very bored people, with nothing much to do. So, to all those I've complained about, don't pay any attention. (Or to be grammatically correct, "To all those, about whom I've complained"). I lose my temper and vent here, but I don't ever hold a grudge or anything. I hope you won't either. Talk to Baba. She's suffered more of my bad temper than most people, and she still talks to me. She'll tell you I'm not all that bad. Really. Truly. Kryll put up a most spirited defence of Sephiroth. I figure that if Kryll says he's a good guy than he probably is. I like Kryll a lot; he and Raiine make a wonderful pair. So I'll have to unblock Sephiroth and try to mend a few fences there. Still no luck with the new PF trainer, although I've been trying that blocked door in the S. Pass caves. Midnight, noon don't work. Sunrise doesn't either. I'll try the full moon times next if I can. I hope other PFs are looking around the GMV area also. A number of people have asked Sleipy where the new PF trainer is. It's amazing how quickly the fact that Sleipy is looking gets turned into the fact that he has found. The rumour mill grinds exceeding coarse and quick. But Sleipy can't really look very well all on his own. Baba helps him a lot of course, and Althea too (although that is a big big secret. You see, *I* really like SWC Althea as you all know, but Sleipy hates Althea's guts. So to speak. So when we do something together it's a really weird mix of OOC and IC. Can't possibly justify it IC, but can't resist it OOC. Heh. Isn't life strange?) Anyway, Sleipy will probably never find anything, probabilities being what they are, but I hope that someone will some day. What we really need is to clear out the GMV and let a lot of PFs search it very thoroughly. But that is very hard to arrange because the only ones strong enough to clear the GMV (i.e., all the super-fighter rank whores) just couldn't care less about something like this. With (of course) the exception of Babajaga, who helps all the time. But she is not a super-fighter rank-whore. She is a super-fighter. There is a difference. Gurgi summed up the feeling of the rank-whores well on the Newsgroup. Basically, says Gurgi, why the fuck should I care enough to come and help? He doesn't, and didn't. And without help from the strong ones, the attempts are predestined for a difficult time and lots of departs. Chains. I was thinking about them just last night as I chained 3 fallens back to town. Kiriel, Sephorus and Forey I think, not that it matters. Sleipy and I both love his chain, and I know why. You see, Sleipy very very nearly became a healer after the Ripture War, and it was really only Baba that talked him out of it. But with a chain he can essentially get many of the benefits that healers have, i.e., the ability to help others when they are fallen, but can still have the strength of a fighter. It's a wonderful mix. It used to be so frustrating to find a corpse and be completely unable to help. Now, Sleipy can actually do something useful. He has about 50 ranks of Loovma. An interesting newsgroup discussion on the Ranger path. Someone said just get lots of Loovma, a chain, lots of Skea, max pathfinding, and lots of Troilus. Hey Presto, a Ranger. The in-game tools already exist, just use them. Well, this is true to a certain extent. But it would be nice to have an in-game label, rather than relying on affiliations (which haven't really turned out to be a great deal of use, although I thought they were a great idea at the time.) Sleipy has actually done exactly this training path, so is probably as close to a "Ranger" as anyone. Which might offend Baba, as she is a real Ranger while Sleipy is not. They wouldn't let him in either, being as foolish as he is :) But I do think that the above requirements are sensible for a Ranger class. (One can, of course, be both a Knight *and* a Ranger). Mind you, ranged weapons would be yummy. Boat still out of operation, but at least I've removed the old outboard now. Just have to sail up to the club, switch outboards, rewire the alternator, and then I'll be away again. Can't wait. Cancelled another gig this weekend, leaving me with just one. But it's a fancy-arse wedding so it will pay well. I really have to cut back on the gigs, for Monique's sake. Three a week on a continuing basis is just too much. Just got invited out to Buenos Aires for a couple of weeks too, which might be a real blast. I've never been to S. America before. I'll accept the invitation if I can, but it'll be a matter of arranging things so I can take the time away from home. Finally, before I go, I want to know what has happened to Sadraz. I haven't seen her for ages, and I miss her. A wonderful exile, whom I love dearly (in a strictly brotherly sense, ahem). Maybe she has finally realised that mature people like us shouldn't be playing these juvenile kinds of computer games, and so she has gone to read Dostoevsky instead. Horrible fate. Nobody should be put through that. In fact, nobody should ever read *any* Russian auther, except Tolstoy. They are soooooooooo heavy. |
Brae will never want to be chained by that Knight again. All the way from North Forest, with SS chatter all the way, of the kind that so annoys the rank whores, which is precisely why I do it. It's a damn shame that Sleipy can't fill up the SS channel with lovey-dovey goo any more. I did so love seeing the reactions of all the pre-pubescent males as they struggled to cope with something quite outside their life experience. But anyway, Sleipy got Brae's nappie changed (yes, nappie, not diaper, although I used the word diaper in CL otherwise Sleipy would have got a host of "WTF? Diaper? What's that. OMW to RO NU from TS. brt"
And that is another thing that annoys me, all those stupid fucking abbreviations. Can't they type? Are they brain-dead? Do they really think it's cool? God alone knows.
Had a wee run-in with Geotzou (or some such similar name) the other day. Typical bullshit one gets every so often. "You are SO DUMB" "What a STUPID thing to do!" "Don't you know ANYTHING?" Sleipy just sighs and tries to ignore it. It's a bit sad when kids get so wrapped up in the game they forget even the most basic courtesy. (And actually, believe it or not, this time Sleipy hadn't even been particularly stupid. Not by his standards. Probably Geotzou just wanted to posture in front of the Ladies and impress them with his attitude. *sigh*. Elegant calves are so much more effective.)
Worf's comment on my diary counter sums up, in a nutshell, the essential differences between us. He felt so sorry that the number of hits was so low that he hit the refresh button a few times just to get the number up :). What a gentleman he is. But I'd actually been taken aback by (what I thought was) the large number of hits it gets. Over 30 a day consistently. To me that sounds like an awful lot. Quite honestly, a few weeks ago I had imagined that Tove read it every so often, and nobody else. Wake up and smell the sheep dip, James. Or whatever. Probably I'd better remove the counter so that Worf doesn't get ants in his pants every time he loads the page.
Interesting gig last night. A wedding at the Carlton, the fanciest hotel in town. So we sat around for hours doing nothing but drinking red wine, courtesy of the bride's father I guess. Peter got really smashed as he always does, and the rest of us got more than a little under the weather. You can imagine the conversation. Usual topics. By the time we had to play we were mostly incapable. Ho Ho Ho. How unprofessional. Some guests came backstage so I asked them to go back out to find me a nice young Jewish girl for the night (it was a Jewish wedding). Are you Jewish? they asked, completely straight-faced. Er.... no, I said. Well then, they say, still completely straight-faced, we can't really do that. I look at them, wondering whether they are beating me at my own game of taking the piss. Nope, no way. Totally serious. I'm sure they still don't see the joke, but it sure as hell cracked the band up. Ah well, never mind. And I forgot to wear formal gear, turning up instead in my bright orange pants all painted in red and blue and black and green and white and ..... etc. And a T-shirt. Shit says the band leader, you can't wear that! It's a fucking wedding, man! So? says I. So wear this, he says, handing me an old dinner jacket he had sitting in his car. So that's what I wore. An old dinner jacket, a T-shirt, and orange pants. I'm not sure the guests were terrifically impressed. I'm known for my sartorial elegance. Oh, but I think I impressed the French lady, dressed in black leather with a tattoo on her arm. Or she would have been impressed if she had noticed me, I'm sure. Ahem. Well, she impressed me at any rate. Oh, what I would give to be tall, dark and handsome. Then maybe these elegant types would notice me.
Off to Ohio tomorrow, so no CL for the next week or so. Then I'll be back for only a few days before we leave town for Xmas, and then back for two days before I go to New Orleans for a couple of weeks. So Sleipy will have to sit in the library and study for a while. And this will be the last diary update for a while.
Ohio trip was rather uneventful, with the exception of meeting HWC Weezoh. Perry came by the hotel where I was staying and we met up for dinner. Lovely to meet him in person. I was about to say "in the flesh" but thought of possible misinterpretations and so didn't. We had a very pleasant time, although it was far too short. I kept trying to remember all the stuff I wanted to ask him. He didn't really remind me of Weezoh at all, but I wasn't surprised by him either. I'm jealous of all those who attended the Red Quill get-together in..... er.... Kansas? some time ago. Maybe I'll get to meet the whole clan in person, one at a time.
But I was continually reminded of all the things I don't like about the U.S. A barrage of advertising. Sound, movement, flashing lights, all the time. Ugly, ugly, strip malls. Petrol stations EVERYWHERE. Fucking cold. And I mean *really* fucking cold, not just a little chilly. Real ice and all. But I was also reminded of all the things I like about the U.S. too. Interesting people, doing interesting things. Facilities to do things, and the will to do them. Very dynamic and inspiring. Far more sophisticated than most of what one sees in NZ. And they work hard, no question, unlike here.
Funny (ha ha that is, not peculiar) email from Wormtounge. Claims that this diary is actually all role-playing too, that I actually don't swear at all, I can't play music, and an really a janitor or something. I laughed and laughed. You know, maybe that's true. One does, after all, construct one's persona in many ways, and this diary might be just providing a useful way for me to hide the real me, while presenting an image of ultra-sophistication, coolness, and gentility to the world. Er...... except...... um...... well, never mind. I'll leave it to you to spot the slight logical flaw in that argument. It's a thought though. I should pretend that the slim French Lady in black leather asked for my phone number, and then rang me up to invite me to accompany her on a passionate weekend in Paris. Well, I said, I'm really not sure I should. After all, I don't really like Paris, and I have my work to do. So she sighed and hung up the phone. I promised to call her back if I ever found myself at a loose end. Yup, that's how it happened. Eat yer heart out Wormy, it's only the Knights that get the chicks. Or something. Although at the minute it's the Knight that doesn't get any chicks at all, much to my annoyance. What the hell is happening here Qual? Huh? Huh? You gonna pull yer finger out, or what? You just planning on leaving the poor Knight hanging around with no love interest? Damn! Gonna be like the Alchemy lab, huh? If you bloody GMs are gonna start a plot line, don't mess with the Knight's love life. Go pick on a nasty type instead.
You all have to listen to a wonderfully intoxicating piece of music that Kira sent to me. Her real name is Amanda Sweetie Bubbles and if (after listening to the piece) you want to just *hug* her to death then feel free. Don't stop before she stops breathing. Personally, I would recommend psychiatric evaluation and emergency care.
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