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November 99
Feast of Tsirrin has been and gone now, and it was very well done indeed. Congratulations to DT. Lots of
lovely costumes, great undine effects, much fun was had by all. Well justified IC and all, with a little tale about Tsirrin etc. Undine invaded the town, and everybody who got killed got turned into undine themselves. If you departed, your incorporeal body was still left wandering around town attacking other exiles. What fun! Sleipy just couldn't sulk through all that. He came into town to "help out" but really of course just to have fun. Met up with Baba, had a little scene, and seems to be forgiven now. He'll come back to live in Puddleby again. Hooray hooray. Don't you just love his Halloween knight suit? Very knightly indeed.
As usual, Baba was in the thick of the fighting, doing a wonderful job. Sleipy does so love to ogle her legs as she runs around. However, she did get done in at one point, ack, horror, and Sleipy could barely survive for laughing. He had no idea he was so popular with so many exiles. I'm not too sure I approve of her bloodthirsty thoughts though. Ouch. Fortunately, I don't think she ever found out.
Finally, they promenaded through town (properly this time, without the gobbets of flesh falling off) accompanied by Merlisk the sheep. Baaaaaa
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Merlisk must take responsibility for then starting an impromptu pun contest. Much bad karma there I hope. He deserves it certainly for causing such pain to so many. Sleipy, Merlisk, Tayra, Tarf and Healery were the contestants, with able assistance from Captain Nikolai Kyrilov. Tayra won the contest, as judged by Papa, Tuan and Marfisa I believe. Sleipy of course was the best, but forgot to take any pictures, as he was too busy trying to think up puns, good, bad or indifferent. I believe Healery made a movie. Hooray hooray.
Just for the record, Sleipy slaughters island panthers with everything now (ack) and is now having an Evus month. Has a grand total of about 400 coins or so. I think. He kills Berserks very easily now, and can even kill one when starting on red himself. Gets done in by the other thingy in the 3rd fighter test. A Rage perhaps. Something like that. He'll have to get lessons from Baba.
18th or so. Version 103.
Nope, he changed his mind, and has begun training Skea instead. Now up to about 30 or so. I can't be bothered counting, but Skea has that message about progressing well (or something). Remle gave me the details, and I forgot them. He's sick of being poor, and if he can skin things maybe he won't be quite so useless to Baba. He may even get to hunt with her if he's lucky. Yeah, yeah, I know, unlikely, but still, he can hope.
So, what else has happened? Hard to remember. It's now version 103 if that's any help. Sleipy got done in by a super frog, a vorpal frog, a truly fearsome beast. Talking quietly to Olmy in the Park, and what should come along but a vicious frog. Killed him dead. Stone cold dead. Ack. Killed lots of others before it was finally battered down by a horde of screaming exiles. Bloodthirsty lot they are, and Baba's the worst.
Big Darshak invasion happened some time recently, can't remember exactly when. Sleipy to the rescue, etc etc, fought through to the dock and saw the neato ship there. Heh. As the poor Darshak came off the ship they were promply chopped to pieces. (Hordes of screaming exiles doing their thing again). No beer was found though.
I didn't know that Trools loved Gaia so much. Funnily enough, they often shout Tally Ho also. Weird things they are. Guide your own bloody self, Trool.
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Typical hunt with Babajaga ends with Sleipy dead. This time it was in the Savannah, with many other corpses to keep him company. What did she do? Ha. Picked them all up, and chained the whole bloody lot to town. What a babe! (As some people would say, but not me of course as I am far too mature and sophisticated). Seven of us, or maybe eight, all on the meat train together. Jkleh of course doesn't even notice Sleipy until they get to town. |
My putative mystic character (Hah, that will never happen) finally got to see Ma'Ta the other day. Not enough mind to train with him. THERE'S a big surprise! God knows what will happen once he does get enough, but I'm kind of interested to find out. Maybe it's not mind training that is meant. Oh damn, there's a thought. Maybe you just have to cleverer.
Tove taught me to swear in NORWEGIAN NOT DANISH. Hooray, hooray. Din forbannede mark-spisende sau-ronker. Yeah!!! Won't translate that here, my mother might read it. (Joke. Remember? I'm 87. Just had me birthday.)
Knights are going better, and we are going to have to promote a whole bunch soon. Cazlar, Shen Calin, Desmodus, Sadraz, Marfisa. They'll all make excellent Knights. We haven't yet decided on the form of the Order, what the organisation will be. Hardly matters really, does it. I would like to see THE Knight of the Rose, etc, and then Companions of the Rose. The ghost of sir West, and the very real body of Sadraz will be pissed off if that happens. What to do, what to do?
The Red Quillers had an impromptu meeting the other night. Nobody shows to Clan meetings (of course) but we actually managed to get seven of us in town at the same time. A-bloody-mazing. So we all ran over the Land, shouting our heads off, being very silly no doubt, before ending up in the Greymyr village. I think Sleipy only died once, which has to be a record for a Red Quill hunt.
ToriAnn has left the RQ also now. I suppose that it wasn't offering her the friendship that she needs, seeing as how we're all just a bunch of old farts. Mostly. Sorry to see her go, and I hope she'll do well in whatever Clan she ends up in.
Writing this after drinking way too much red wine. White wine, as we all know, rots the gut and gives you liver cancer, while red wine is the nectar of Olympus. Especially if it's plonk. Hooray for overindulgence. So, gentle reader, pray forgive me all the spelling mistakes. Or not. I really don't give a shit. So to speak. Of course, Sleipy is no better than I am, he just pretends to be all high and mighty. However, underneath he is just as much a lecherous, drunken bastard. Ahem. Just so long as Baba never finds out.
The sophisticated image to the left was taken in OC3!!!!!!. First time ever that Sleipy got there, and that was only because it had been cleaned out by real fighters in the previous 5 minutes or so. If it wasn't for REAL fighters (like Baba) Sleipy would never get anywhere, as he is such a pansy. However, OC3 or not, when a Knight's gotta go, a Knight's gotta go. Sleipy then made it on to OC4!! Woo Hooo. First time ever there also. Obviously. Of course, he lasted all of 15 seconds, got done in by a bloody warlock, and then had to depart. Back spawns had wiped out everyone in OC1-3 by then, so there was little hope for him. Still, what a thrill. Maybe one day he'll get to see more of OC4 or even OC 20. Who knows.\
What else has happened? Dunno, it's hard to remember. Got done in by snakes and grizzlies in the bear cave, and Axell, noble Axell came running to save me. What would I do without her? Rely on Shamhat I suppose. Or (horrible thought) Ghrr. Shudder. Note, however, that even in the midst of mortal danger, yet does Sleipy still think only of his Beloved. I would like to point out, of course, that Sleipy has to be the wimpiest fighter in the entire Land. After all, how many fighters could leave a health bar on a leech for Christ's sake? Not many. Pathetic really.
sir Maenygh found out that one could train with the Crazy Hermit, to learn pathfinding. That guy is amazing. Three cheers for Mae. He untrained, and trained about 75 Hermits or so, but we still don't know what it does. Possibly it helps you do the door trick for getting to yellow pants, but that is uncertain yet. Possibly not.
Noid invasion led by Zonk, yesterday. Much fun was had by all. Lots of technicolour noids running around, none of which Sleipy can hit of course, but he looks busy running and whiffing.
Flashing his legs to all the healers (female). Sleipy even had a whiff or two at Zonk himself, who laughed and said only "Tssk Tssk". How humiliating. Nasty bugger. Zapped on through to Zonk's tower in SW farms. Nyssa thought some most interesting things, but I'm not allowed to tell Sleipy what she was thinking. She'd better watch out for Baba, is my advice to her. Sir Maenygh got toasted in the tower (butter and honey please), and Sleipy had a wee word with Zonk. Zonky the dude didn't say a great deal except that he had to nip away to do the grocery shopping (or something). Probably buying adult diapers.
The Dwarven Militia is getting stuck into the Red Quill, and it's wonderful to see. Abuse, conflict, betrayal, cruelty and torture, Huzzah!!!!!!! They don't like Lilit, but they're attacking the whole RQ, silly buggers. Sleipy and Baba will give them a run for their money if they attack the RQ, but will probably help them if they only attack Lilit. Very interesting to see what happens. The Land needs more Clan-Clan conflict, as it is only conflict that keeps things interesting. Tarf appears to be leading the DM efforts, and I wish him all the best. Lilit is the greatest (except for Baba of course). Wonderful baddie. With a bit of luck we'll have a mulitple-Clan investigation into Lilit. Let's hope the other Clans join in and pull their weight. Sleipy is beginning to wonder about Michael Aridfox, and whether he is the same Thoom he was when the Clan was formed. Very puzzling for a foolish Knight, but Lilit seems to wield an unholy influence over Michael. Though I have to admit I like Jeff so much OOC that it will be very difficult to sustain any IC conflict between Michael and Sleipy. Ah well, we shall see.
With a bit of luck we'll have the rest of the Knightings soon. Decided that there will be ONE Knight of the Rose, etc, and the others in the Company will be called Companions. Let's just hope the Knights last. The Knights Council is Sleipy, Maenygh and Zwei. What a bunch. They now have the authority to decide things in the future.
There probably won't be much in this Diary for a while, as the move to Auckland is just about on us. Ack. Busy busy. Can't wait to get home again!!! But I'll be out of CL for a while, and Sleipy will just have to study in the Library meantimes.
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