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And so, oh ho, the shit has hit the fan, as the actress said to the bishop. For Babajaga has put some most unwise things in that little diary of hers (which poor old Sleipy reads). I'll let him have his say first, before he bursts.
Ah me, my heart doth ache full sore, for have I read such terrible things that do mine eyes dim with tears, and my knees shake as with the palsy. I prithee good reader have pity upon this most piteous knight, and mock him not though he deserve it full well, for he standeth in sore need of thy gentle benison. I have but this day learned that the foundations of my Beloved's love for me do stand, not upon the granite rock, but upon the shifting sands of feminine wiles, ever subject to vagary and caprice. In the diary of my Beloved Babajaga doth she bare her innermost thoughts, and though I know full well that men will oft read ill of themselves when reading unbidden, yet did I not expect so savage and sudden a blow. And for this I know where to lay the blame; not on her alone, nay, but upon that foul villain, that churlish knave, The Black Knight; he of the tongue of silver and morals of dross.
And yet, this be misery that dare not speak its name, for to do so would shame my Beloved, that which I could never do and count myself a Knight, no matter the cause. Even should I so desire, I can cast nothing at her, for I should know nothing an I had been a True Knight of honour. I have read unbidden and unwelcome and have received my just reward. I will clamp my teeth upon mine unruly tongue and let no word of censure escape, unbidden, the prison of my mind. What I have sown, I shall reap, and count myself lucky in the reaping.
Well, poor old Sleipy. It's a long story. You see, after the Ball and Tourney (more on this below, so don't touch that dial) Baba got kidnapped by the smooth-talking villain, The Black Knight. Real bloody charmer, so it's not too surprising that Baba fell for him. Much more interesting than Sleipy, who's a bit of a pompous prat, even if I do say so myself. BUT, to admit this in a diary where Sleipy could read it? Woo Hoo. Not always a clever one, Baba. No man (I imagine) likes to read that his true Love had to struggle to resist the temptation of running off with someone else who has all the lovely properties that he doesn't have. Ouch. I keep telling Sleipy to just let her go. She'll soon realise that TBK is just a slimeball. But he's too much of a wimp for that. He's already insecure enough, God knows, always worrying about his "honour" and whether or not he's "worthy" of her. Not to mention the fuss over Elenis! Bloody Hell. Well, I guess now he's convinced he's not worthy at all. Poor fellow. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost. If you ask me, he needs an extramarital affair. Try convincing him of that though. Hah! He'll just mope and pine as usual.
Anyway, the Ball and Tourney. Total bloody shambles as expected, but the Red Quillers all put their shoulders to the wheel and gave Sleipy a helping hand. He couldn't have done it otherwise. Thanks, all. Parade in Town Square was well attended, and King Algernon looked resplendent in his idiocy. Pity Vagile couldn't be there beside him, to look resplendent in idiocy also. Babajaga was the Gaia Queen (and, my word, did Sleipy get a lot of crap for that? Um, next question please) looking quite regal and beautiful. Great dancing at the Ball, but I screwed up Sleipy's lovely dancing macros. Beginning of the dance, what does Sleipy do but try to amputate Babajaga's head with his shovel. Dear oh bloody dear. No wonder Boadicea wasn't too impressed. Sleipy was ready to kill me for that mistake. He had to dance around the floor in silence, without any of the fancy little flourishes he had been practising.The music was great though. Thanks to all the Bards. Hooray. Three cheers for Tonle, Blue, Fourwinged and the rest. Can't remember all their names.
ourney was a shambles too. First fight, Sleipy against Zwei, Zwei meant to win. What does she do? Falls asleep, that's what. Sleipy had to clonk her on the head to end the bout and put the audience out of their misery. Poor Manx didn't get the blood she was screaming for. Got better from there though. Belligerus and Gurgi were a scream, and Phyl and Eek had put a LOT of work into their bout. Good for them. The Black Knight flirted with Babajaga the whole time. Poor old Sleipy. About to be hit by a tram, and completely oblivious. Then, once the fighting was over, TBK comes on, grabs Babajaga and takes her off for some private "activities" in his tower. Hmmmm....... Lucky bugger. Sleipy couldn't help with the rescue, cause I had to put the kids to bed. He wasn't happy about that I can tell you, and neither was Baba. Tough.
Oct. 16. Well, it's been a while since I last wrote. The Altar battle mostly. Most importantly for Sleipy is that he got things patched up with Baba. She just couldn't understand his point of view, which is not so surprising seeing as how he's so difficult at times. However, all's well that ends relatively happily. He'll probably just keep quiet about it now.
And so I shall indeed. And yet, the fear stays, and shall be with me for many a long day. For greatly to love is also greatly to fear, and as we have not the night without the day, so thus have we not the one without the other. The everpresent fear doth weigh down my heart, doth dull for me the sun in its brightest splendour, and yet I would not be without it for all the silk in China. Be I a worthy Knight? I know that I am not. I know that my Beloved is as far above me as I be above the beast of the field, and that I deserve not this taste of paradise that doth sweeten my every hour. And yet I must not let my fear drive my Beloved from my arms and thus contain within itself the seeds of its own fulfillment. Thus I shall be silent.
At any rate, two kind exiles, Kale and Olian, came along and persuaded Sleipy to stop the nonsense. Kale is an emmisary from Sadraz's father (appartently Sadraz is the Duchess of M'nako. *Excuse me*.) Olian is clearly somebody that Sleipy knows already, but he can't guess who it is. Tim "bloody" Gonsalves knows, but isn't telling. I'll kill him.
Oct. 17. The Altar battle. Well, rather dull for Sleipy actually as he missed out on the great battle with Bartok and all, and at any rate I wasn't too impressed with the story line. Just more kill, kill, kill, save the Altar, die a lot. He helped drag one piece of the Altar to town, but that was about it. Of course, lots of nasties showed up and fried him, together with his true love (who hates getting fried, as you can see). Sleipy (of course) takes it all with angelic patience. Cough, cough.
Even though it was a little dull, kudos to DT for doing something different, and many of the players enjoyed it a lot, so that's really all that matters.
Vagile did a most excellent RP job with the money, having it stolen by Ksyr Agasha, etc. Wonderful RP on all sides. Musn't mention any more names, but you know who you are. Vagile (and that other person) are certainly among the very best RPers in the game. I watch and learn.
Oct. 17. Maenygh has left the Red Quill. Sad for me. It seems that the concept of a role-playing clan has manifest disadvantages, not least of which is the fact that many members seem to want and expect something different from it, more Clan-like, with matey meetings, and cosy fireside chats. Those things are all good of course, but the RQ is really about more than game fellowship and camaraderie. I hope that Mae will continue in the Land, and continue to be a Knight. The Knights are not doing so very well at all really. It's very difficult to maintain something without official support or approval. It is, ultimately, pointless. However, it's fun, so I'll continue on with them until I just can't be bothered any more. It looks like the Rangers will get official support, which is wonderful, and I very much hope they do. At the least it will set a precedent.
Sleipy has seeen Syndir in the Land a few times, but they never seem to get the chance to chat. Now THERE is an excellent Exile. One of Sleipy's oldest friends in fact. I can hardly remember the first time Sleipy met him. Certainly even before he met Baba. I hope Syndir sticks around.
And, before I forget, Manx has painted Sleipy and Babajaga! Hooray!! It is really a wonderful portrait. SWC for Manx has great talent clearly. Sleipy had been looking forward to seeing it for a LONG time, and was so excited to see it. Actually, I was too. Look on Sleipy's web page for an extract, and a link to the whole piccie.
It is rather ironic that, very soon after I wrote this, good old Syndir went and got himself chopped to pieces by none other than Our Great Leader, Michael Aridfox. Went to the Arena together, Michael chopped Syndir to pieces, and then wouldn't let anybody heal him in time to save his life. Ack. Very bloody. Seems that this was a matter of honour to Syndir, and he had to atone for something, but exactly what is not very clear, at least not to me. Xantcha (Michael's mother) is more than a little pissed off at Michael. Real family tiff. Details are on Michael's and Xantcha's web pages at the Red Quill site. So, Syndir has gone, never more to be seen in this Land again, or so it seems. Bother. He really was a great friend.
The good news is that Syndir's spirit is alive and well, and in the Land with another character. Husk, I'm sure, although he won't admit it directly. Perhaps I shouldn't spill the beans like this, but I was so pleased to find this out, I can't resist.
Oct. 24 or so.
Poor Sleipy has been done by Chum once again. Sleipy just can't keep up with all these smart minds, and gets shafted every time. Started when Chum conned Baba into getting into the jail with a bunch of nasties, and you can read all about that in her diary (piccies and all). So anyway, Sleipy confronted Chum in the Town Square and accused him of being nasty to Baba etc etc. Chum of course denies it all, slippery bugger that he is. In fact, Chum agreed that he would submit to appropriate punishment if, after investigation, Sleipy decided that he had behaved improperly. Made him a little nervous at the thought. Ashe was delightful as always. I really love that wee witch, and her poo-slinging friends.
Well, at any rate, Sleipy went off a little annoyed and decided to get a spot of revenge. VERY unknightly. Oh dear oh dear, naughty fellow. Stole Chum's martinis from the Purple Tor Inn, and doctored them with herbs to make Chum turn purple when he drinks them. Got Baba to flash her legs (and other bits and pieces) at Gumdar to keep him occupied. Thanks to Polgara and ToriAnn for timely flashes as well. Tut tut. I actually remembered to make a movie of the theft. It's a bit long and boring in places. So don't complain, you've been warned.
Well, what should happen, but bloody Gumdar notices the missing martinis (calling them cleaning solvents! Hah!) and takes Sleipy to trial for theft and unknightly behaviour. Gumdar appeared in court (with Hrok and all; Hrok is his wee pet Tor. Disgusting little thing) and .......... WON!!!!! Well, Sleipy couldn't tell a lie, so he had to confess. Ack. Sleipy was found guilty, fined 150 coins or so, and put in jail for 17 minutes! Oh, the humiliation for the poor old fellow. I actually remembered to make a movie of that too. It's long and boring also, especially the end bit (when I forgot to stop recording) so don't watch it, or if you do, don't complain.
The plot then thickens. In shame and disgrace Sleipy resigned from the Red Quill and the Knights, and Baba (what a sweetie) got all upset. Vowed to take the disgrace upon herself. Got Malkor (nasty little mystic fellow, excellent role-player) to sue her for letting Sleipy be the fall guy for her bad actions! Ooooooo! How can a Knight resist such devotion, I ask you?
Of course, Sleipy was on the jury. Irony supreme. Verdict - guilty. Babajaga was fined 1 coin, and did jail time. Ouch. Poor thing, to suffer so for true Love. Did that convince Sleipy to rejoin RQ and the Knights? Hell no. What's the point of self-pity and pathetic drama if you don't stick to your guns? I mean to say! So thats how it stands now. Sleipy's out of RQ and the Knights (but he'll rejoin soon I have no doubt), standing on his silly pride rather. |
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Sleipy and Baba finally caught Chum. Got him with the doctored martini. Hooray hooray. Let's wait and see what happens to him now. That'll teach him a lesson. Maybe he'll begin to show the proper respect to Sleipy. Then again, maybe not. | ||||||
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Well, Sleipy's in big trouble again. Yet again. This time he tried to do the right thing but got it all screwed up. He was assaulted by Vagile, Healery, Manx, Zwei and Shamhat, and forced to rejoin the Red Quill.
And I did think that my Beloved would be right content that I did forsake my foolishness and did finally behave in seeming manner! And yet, and yet, this was not to be, for when she did learn of mine action, then did she wax passing wroth. She did spurn me in words that nigh broke my heart, she repulsed me with unkindness and cruelty, and bade me begone from her sight. But most fearsome of all, she did claim to doubt my love for her. I am verily in a living death. My heart beats but my blood moves not. Mine eyes are open, but do not see. My breath waxes and wanes and yet aideth not senses. And my limbs shake with such a palsy, my skin is of such a pallor, that it be only the shaking that doth belie all the other evidence of an untimely demise from a broken heart.
Well, yes indeed, poor old Sleipy. He even went on his knees, the poor sap, and was bitterly repulsed for all his efforts. His first thought was to go and "purify" himself with Resetus, casting aside all his worldly goods, keeping only his love for Baba, to prove to her just how wrong she was to doubt his love. A good idea I thought at first, and said "I do". Then, I was just about to say "Reset me" (already half-way through) when I suddenly thought of SWC for Babajaga. I mean to say, her phone bills are astronomical, and *she* deserves a little better from Sleipy than a reset. Baba doesn't, mind you. So I stopped him, with a microsecond to spare. Whew! By the way, note the lovely Halloween costume Sleipy chose. Rather fetching isn't it?
So, we presently have a compromise. Sleipy went off in a huff to the Lakes, to commune with sir Westie in his grave, and sulk. He won't come into town, or study at the Library, until Baba relents. If it takes too long I'll go crazy with boredom. Then Sleipy really *will* reset. Or probably just do a Syndir actually. Ack. Let's hope not. In the meantime my other characters are getting a run. God knows how *anyone* ever gets to be a mystic. It is just so bloody hard. Not to mention somewhat dull. And I have *no* idea what to do. Drives me crazy. Fighters are easy, just kill stuff. I like it that way. In many ways, I'm quite like Sleipy really. Dumb.
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By the way, watch out for these black poppies. Vicious little buggers. Make you sleepy, then numb, then you die. Seems you need Mentus to avoid this. Dunno how much, but 10 seems to work for a dwarf. Ack. |
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