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September 2000Actually, I don't think I will continue this diary. Not properly anyway. I can never keep up to date, and I'm quite sure nobody reads it anyway. So I'll just start making a sort of a scrapbook with interesting pictures (and a little commentary also perhaps here and there). Much less work. However, I should say that all hell has broken loose, and that Sleipy and Baba are now officially divorced :(. Very sad. She's gone all black and nasty, because of that nasty Qual fellow. Sleipy caught Baba and Caddrel in flagrante delicto. Ouch. Something to do with the neodews, but I don't know what. |
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Playing with Baba in a happier time | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Sleipy tries to get Qual to give up his hold on Baba, but without success. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Nasty fellow, this Qual. Note Sleipy's tan robe. That's actually Sieipnir, wherein lies a tale indeed. Now there's a robe person so that everyone can go robed when they want. | ||||||||||||||||||||
So, where is Sleipy now, about a whole year after I started this? He's still second circle, can you believe that, and with no prospect of passing into third circle any time soon. Can't even hit the rage. Slaughters some white wendies, and some boloks. 100 ranks of Pathfinding, 50 of Loovma Geer. So he likes to do rescues in PF places with his fancy-ass chain. He also understands the Sylvan language, which is not very useful at the minute.
The breakup with Baba hit him pretty hard. She was fooling around with Caddrell, and Malkor and Althea took pains to point this out to Sleipy. He's really quite easy to manipulate. So (of course) the shit hit the fan, and Malkor and Althea could then just stand back and offer sympathy by the bucketful. Harsh words were said by Sleipy (and by Baba also). She is obviously going to hang tough until Sleipy comes grovelling back, admits complete fault in the matter, and promises to be good. And then she'll still take a while no doubt. Ah well. Sleipy changed to a tan robe (Sieipnir) for a while, and got a few GM complaints. Well, only one really, from Maz. Then he got preferenterial treatment from HGM and Ann GM, and a whole pile of people bitched about it. Well, Outcast and Noah *grin*. Next version there was a robe seller for all exiles Huzzah! He's now wearing a black robe in sorrow at his marital disagreements. Baba's problems are almost certainly due to Qual. The neodew. Mind control? Who knows. How can Sleipy help? Wouldn't have a clue. But Baba is definitely behaving rather strangely these days. Sleipy camped outside Votenkath's castle for a time to no avail, but V spoke to other exiles about a Separ. Hmmm... God knows where this will be found. Sleipy is busy praying to Gaia every day, but once again to no avail. Ah well. Wrote my Uli Rebellion piece last week. Took long enough too, God knows. And (last but not least) Sleipy is a Bard now also. Perkusi gave him a working Tor shell, bless her little heart, and he auditioned successfuly (I should bloody hope so, given some of the other stuff you have to listen to). Big stink about a "blues" piece. How stupid. |
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My initiation into the Bards' Guild to the left. Above is a very clever rat. As I have always said, Sleipy smells sweet even at his less attractive moments.
And below, an old clipping from the North Beach. Poor Zwei, but a lovely monster name. |
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Started the Puddlepedia recently. Argued a bit with Tove about some of the details. She's stubborn as hell, but then, so am I :) Doing it two ways now. Hard to tell whether it will ever get off the ground properly, as it depends so heavily on contributions from others.
To be honest, CL is getting rather frustrating. I just don't have the time to clan much, and so Sleipy just keeps on getting weaker and weaker, relatively. Weaker again this last update (147?). Does even worse on the second-circle test. I'm not one to care about being strong (obviously) but getting continually weaker does eventually cause some frustration. *sigh*. Ah well. |
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October 2000Met an old friend the other day. Nevyn reappeared for a short time. Just as laconic as ever, so all is yet right with the world. He claims he'll be around more often now. Hope so. |
But, as ever, time marches on, and I have to mourn the loss of yet another old friend. Zwei has left, to play Ultima. Damn and damn. I'll really miss her. She never got to hear the piece I wrote for her either, which saddens me. Still, I emailed it to her, and maybe she'll be able to play it for herself. But then, she might not bother. I'll never know I guess, but I can hope she gets to hear it some day. We'll have to get someone else into the Knights. I hope Slyph will agree to take Zwei's place.
Lost my temper with Tove the other day. No details here, mind you, cause she might read them! Withdrew from doing the Puddlepedia. However, to be honest, it wasn't really anything to do with the argument with Tove. I was feeling under a little strain, in not having enough time to do it, but getting committed. So I think I just used the argument as an excuse to do what I thought I probably should be doing anyway. However, I've reorganised the RQ pages and redone the banners, etc etc. They should be easier to maintain now. Interesting developments in the game. I'll keep my mouth shut here, in case it gets out, but it all comes as a breath of fresh air. When it's all over I'll be able to put the pictures up. But notice how Sleipy has blond hair now. It turned white with shock after Baba did something very very very very very very horrible to him. I hope it turns back to its proper colour eventually. |
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Sleipy, while cloaked, killing a cavern rat in the South Pass Caves. Looks just like a vermin thingy, but tougher. He killed a few Lith bats there also. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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And three cheers for HGM (probably), or whoever it was that did sir West's grave. Huzzah! A lovely touch, and nicely done. Over in the new forest to the East. West's Forest.
Very soon after this picture was taken silly old Sleipy had a screaming match with Baba and said some very rude things. What a naughty Knight he is. No other real news to report. Off to Oslo tomorrow. How exciting. Then on to Dresden for a boring week. |
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