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Written for a Dunilsar competition, by the noble Bor
Birth of a Healer
by Bor
The world erupts
In a cacophony of light and noise
Blinded, I realize I must still be alive
For surely the pain of my burning skin
Would have faded if I were dead.
The last I recall
Was the battle we lost
Our precious books in flames
And the smell of cooked flesh
Still in my nostrils
Greetings my child
And all the pain fades away
In a voice filled with more love,
Care and kindness than
An entire lifetime could ever know
You have done well, my child
I offer you a choice
A choice you say, between what - and Hey!
Just who are you, and why am I
Even talking to you in this place
With only bright lights that no longer hurt my eyes
You have learned much,
But not yet enough.
I could use you still,
Especially if you can learn
What I believe there is inside you
Am I dead?
Are you the goddess?
That my child is why I have
Such fondness for you.
The ever-working mind
And its ability to grasp
The obvious in the face of impossibility
Ok, okay, no need to make fun
This is all a bit new to me
To the best of my knowledge I1ve
Never been dead.
You spoke of a choice?
Yes my child, you have lived
A good life, full of learning and books.
These are worthwhile endeavors but
As I1m certain you1ve learned,
A head full of books won1t win a war.
The evil gains in strength with each passing day,
But all is not hopeless.
For there are many souls like yours
That fight, strive and breathe for nothing
But to see the sun shining bright,
On the Empire1s last day.
Your choice then is this:
Accept the reward
Which is yours if you wish it.
Rest in happiness and love
With your fallen friends and family
Or go back and learn
To keep this from happening again.
There is no choice for me,
I can still smell them,
Those I couldn1t save, and
Behind my eyes, there is still the curl
Of the pages that fed the fire.
What did I do wrong?
What must I learn?
Your quest for knowledge is good
And virtuous and pure,
But a book burns in flame
And it can1t block a sword.
You must learn to fight
In whatever way you can
Be strong, and brave
And remember, fight not for hate
But always for love.
Dear goddess yes!
First I feel the grass, itchy and wet
Then the wonderful smell
Of the damp forest, and the warmth
As the sun dances across my face.
I see, and rejoice, for I am alive
For love
The words bring me back.
I remember, it is not a dream
And I have a second chance.
Perhaps this time
I can keep them all alive