As many know, the Sylvan Lorian Dun'Gaetos did recently deliver herself into the custody of The Order of True and Gentle Knighthood, there to answer for crimes which she did claim to have committed against the Sylvan peoples.
To study these claims, and to pass judgement upon Lorian, the Knights did request assistance from divers other noble exiles, and a Council of Inquisition was formed. The Council held three convocations in the Land; the first, to determine the scope of the Council's authority; the second, to determine the events that had occurred, and Lorian's part in them; the third, to pass judgement upon Lorian. Detailed transcriptions of these convocations may be found in the library of Lorian herself, and in the Library of the Red Quill.
Many things we did learn, to chill our blood and freeze the very breath in our lungs, for there has been many and many a foul deed committed by the Emperor and his minions. At no fault did we find Lorian, for she has been in these events a sad victim, to be pitied rather than abused. Nevertheless did we bid her do certain things, as detailed below, so that she may at last find peace within her soul.
These deeds of the Emperor have been to such an extent malicious and foul that we, The Council of Inquisition, cannot sit idly by and say nothing, for to do so would be at peril of our consciences. Thus do we make public our detestation of these actions, and thus do we make our stand against injustice and tyranny. We fear not retribution, for we be clothed in the armour of righteousness, and we bid all Exiles heed this clarion call against oppression, for an it be ignored, shall worse and greater peril befall us all.
The sentence on Lorian.
The proclamation of Outlawry upon Sendorian.
The proclamation to the citizens of the Ascendancy.
The letter to the Emperor.