Week 18-19

Week 18

Some relatives of the tr´ools in brambles came trough one of the miningtunnels. Alchemist and Nyssa were there, and this is what they say.

And this group came across a new (to me) race related to Orcs
and Trools - the trool'kins (Vol'Kin, Ko'Kin, Gob'Kin, etc.) and
during the encounter the 'Kin made many comments, one of which
was when a Vol'Kin growled, "exiles brokez mirrors".

They claim to be working (digging up from underground to attack
puddleby) under the leadership of Qual.


We had a lengthy interview with one of the new creatures that
looks like a red trool, a Vol'kin. It was not as lengthy as I would
have liked, because exiles became impatient and aggressive (so
what else is new?), and killed it. Just as it fell, it said one last
thing in response to questions from the crowd around mirrors.
"Exiles broke the mirrors!" It said a lot of other stuff about Qual
helping them get free, blah, blah ( :-) ) which I broadcast live
on sunstone. I took notes. Apparently some of it had been said
before, by another of these creatures.

Does anyone recall any little thing that occurred about when the
mirrors stopped working? I was a very new exile in those days,
and only 12, so I wouldn't know exactly when it was.


After last storm the myrs seemed to have grown even stronger. And I found myself unable to hit them, or at least the strongest ones. Some were weak, I even killed those. Some were medium strength and some were very strong. I felt like I was a newling again, wiffing tgs. And against those very strong ones I was set back almost 2 years in training. very discouraging and very disheartening. sigh. I cannot take with me those I usually hunted with in GMV. Now I am forced to either hunt with this halfling here, or don´t hunt there at all. Gurgi has the highest amount of atkus in the lands as far as I know. We couldn´t have hunted there without him. I like to be independent. Sure, I can´t hunt alone - wherever I go, but to wait for one specific exile to be able to hunt somewhere? And in a place I usually managed with a weaker group? I don´t like that, don´t like that at all. No matter how funny Gurgi might be to hunt with. Because the choice, the choice of hunting grounds becomes limited. And it´s limited enough as it is. I trained more atkus after the previous storms to be able to hit them more reliably. And now, when I meet them again after this storm - I find I even need more... I think I will start a riot. FOR EXILE PRESERVATION! Yeah!

A small RQ team on a mission. We tried to force our way inside this little hut on Centaur. Sleipnir and Vagile joined us after awhile, and we told Vagile we had seen a lizard sneak inside.. Ok , ok.. so we tricked her a little. But if that door had been a normal door, it wouldn´t have survived the meeting with Vagile´s skull. She charged it with all her might after she heard that. It has been locked tight ever since the war, and now it gives in a little. Odd isn´t it. Maybe it will take another four years to be able to go inside. Whatever we did, how much we pushed and charged and boosted, it was still locked.


Well, once again the Darshaks raided Puddleby in force.

The battle raged for hours, mostly in the west gate and on the beach,
and also in the town as well.

In the end we were victorious but only after a great deal of effort by
most of the exiles (a few were conspicuous by their absence.)

In particular, I'd like to single out Catch, Knucklehead, Rent-A-Hippie,
Thorstorm, Rifkin, Kojiro, Afrit and Ghrr for a valiant and successful
action on the shore towards the end. We started with 3 living exiles and
6 fallen and ended up with a tight defensive line of 9. This line held
and killed a great many Darshaks well away from the gate. Skea helped
greatly in the defence, but that misbegotten whelp Mat'ma repeatedly got
in our way.

After clearing the beach we checked for Darshak Warships at sea. Five
warships were spotted and quickly sent to the bottom. It is worth noting
that some of the Darshak ships are now equipped to fire what appear to
be burning balls of pitch.

Fourth Victorious!

Marcus Antonius, for the Brotherhood of Independence, the Castle
Alliance, and downtrodden Exiles everywhere.

I have now been in two or three raids on OC4. We have searched the place over and over again, but no sign of the power-room. Once, there were this strange sound coming from the fireplace, and the same sound coming from the power-room, or where we knew the power-room was. It was locked then, but we all could sense this force coming from it. At that time we experimented some, cross shared with Aki who were at the mirror in south forest. We stayed a bit too long. Suddenly a huge spawn appeared in the stonecircle, as if summoned there, or teleported there. It was almost as the power-room had made it´s.. "thing". In the panic that followed we all fell, trying to run out while the warlocks targeted us. And when I learned that those red orgas were not ordinary furies, but orga frenzies and wraths, I knew that the rescue would take a looong time. So I departed, and went back to OC. By then the camp was filled with orgas in every shape, size and form. It was as our success in taking over OC4 had made the orgas mad with anger. They really do not want us to hold the fourth camp. The same thing has happened over and over again. Exiles take over OC4, and meet a huge force on their way back. One time we had to fight 2 Hemlocks in OC3 in our retreat. And those were nasty. Lightning bolts like I have never sensed before. No one able to rod, the bolts made such a great impact. The sketch is from one of those raids, but it does look familiar, doesn´t it. One so fallen he needs 21 healers to raise. And we are still not nearer a solution. Mocha had a go on a fullmoon raid almost a month ago. Mocha is a group lead by Klur and organized by the clan Pogue Mahone. We are divided in 3 groups, all with a special task within the group. And with tactics planned by Klur to take over the orga camps efficiently. Although it has been awhile since we have practiced, we were able to take OC1-3 in one hour. But OC4 were full of locks, so the army stopped at the entrance , where we tried to lure the locks out. This took so long time that eventually many had to go and study. They didn´t know in advance how long it would take. I do hope we can try again, more informed this time and thus more committed to the task at hand.

The power-room in OC4 might be connected to the mirror in south forest. Maybe it is, maybe it isn´t. Many exiles are investigating what seems to be possible leads. Yor is currently very interested in the dead trees surrounding the mirror in south forest. Others are investigating the strange magical barrier deep inside the Dal´Noth mountains. So far we have only loose bits and pieces of information.

As you may or may not know, I have been concerned with the possible marriage between Noivad and Prue. Noivad is running for the sheriff position and a link between the law and the witches would be very bad for our town. But, thankfully - when I asked Noivad about this some weeks ago - he said that the marriage was canceled. Apparently he cannot afford Prue. She is in love with her purse, but more so in love with others purses. I am quite pleased that Noivad saw this and escaped in time.

Week 19

\action waves.

Roaming ChiggerCam reporter Shrug here with a late breaking news event.
Last night (ooc) the T'rool finally let loose all the stops and
invaded... or tried to. ;-)

Once again the exiles of Puddleby fought valiantly and pushed back the
T'rool all the way to T'rool Town. Very impressive tactics were shown by
both the T'rool and the exiles and the battles were heated. It was indeed
epic. All were fighting for a "cause" instead of just "experience". It
was pretty amazing to see such a diverse group move with such battle
efficiency (heh.. mostly anyway.. your cameraman wasn't very graceful).
Was very fun.

Anyway.. have a gander (er gandor.. ack.. eh.. nevermind). ;-)
Read all about it at Shrug´s

The visionstones of this battle can also be seen at the RQ vault.

What a predicament, don´t you agree? It was all Yor´s fault actually. Or Axell´s. I haven´t made up my mind yet.. He had this theory that the mirror in the red line room might have something to do with the mirror in south forest. So, after we had killed the liche that was guarding DT, Yor went off.. Walking the red line he was. I couldn´t stop my curiosity either, so I went with him - while the others were contemplating upstairs. And when I saw Yor disappear right in front of me, I figured I should go straight north. So I did. And then I west eastish to try and touch the mirror. And was immediately thrown down in the lavapool. I guess we can´t touch that mirror so easily... Anyway. Thuja and Axell and the rest of the bunch then had a lavaroom rescue to do. So after a few toggles, and "Can we come down" both healers came and raised us successfully. Mission completed. So far so good. On our way out trough the treasure room this Liche appears.. and we are running like mad.. Most make it out and into the redline room again, but Axell with her long legs runs too fast, and dives inside the lavapool again. Eep..

Upstairs there is yet another Liche waiting, and a halfling that mutters " All I want to do is hunt!" But, of course we couldn´t hunt. We couldn´t go anywhere in fact, with Axell burning to a crisp in the lavaroom. We learn that liche nr 1 is in the red line room so Yoshida equips his chain , and makes a run for it, but ends up in the pool himself. Geraldus too makes a brave attempt - but realizes then that Lice nr 1 has moved to the lavapool room. So, we have a situation where the Liche is in the middle of the pool, and some skeletons around it. We then decide to kill liche nr 2, it would be bad for our health if this would be roaming and free to nibble us from behind. And then, it´s just a matter of filling up the pool so someone can be able to drop outside. With my axe in hand I dive inside, and are able to kill one skel before I fall. One after another the whole party dives in, until Degu is successfull and drops outside. Whew.. but there is still this Liche..now blocked by a wall of fallens, but still quite able to move around. Carefully, watching every step he takes, Degu is able to get Yor up. Then Poor- X, and Yoshida. And then the Liche attacks again. I was biting my lips, and shivering even if it was quite hot - but eventually, after some awesome moves we were all raised and able to kill that liche that had made this whole mess. I think it was the liche´s fault actually. Everything was. You can view the visionstone of this rescue at the RQ vault, where I have archived it for all eternity.

Let it be known to all that an intrepid party of exiles, consisting of
the noble Charlos, the lovely Lorian, the brave Jannar, the courageous
Asmodean, the peerless Alcades, and one foolish Knight did today pay a
most courteous visit to Boneswood, in the Snagglewood.

It being our theory that elegant bowing would suffice to open both the
secret door, and the mirrors together, we did attempt to bow as
elegantly as we might, at the most appropriate places.

I fear to report that the most elegant bowing in the entire land (Ahem,
cough, cough) had no discernible effect on either the secret room, or
the mirrors.

However, there be yet hope, for we were not able to bow very often,
there being divers nasty beasts keeping us company, much to our
detriment as we were in time forced all to depart.

We believe that a sufficiency of elegant bowing will yet succeed, and
we encourage all exiles to aid us in our next attempt.

I remain,

As ever,

sir Sleipnir Na Gralam, Knight of the Rose.

In my surveys of the birds in the lands surrounding Puddleby for the
POS, I have noted these large dead trees with some interest. While I do
not know what may be killing them, I am concerned that this "tree death"
may spread, leading to changes in the types of birds which might feed or
nest there. I have observed no rotten parts that might serve as access
to tunnels under these fields and forests, but as these trees decay
further, such access may yet appear. However, I suspect that something
has drained the life from them (perhaps from below the surface) and that
makes my suspicious that these areas harbor some malificient creature or
power. Interestingly, there is exactly one such tree in the east field
near the undine hut, two in the dusty southern part of the Highlands,
three in the north marsh (well, two 'identical' spots with three each),
and four at the south forest mirror. I am now on the lookout for other
places with such trees, and believe that someplace with exactly five
trees, etc etc will exist too. I have not yet made a special trip to
Ash Island or the distant interior orga camps, but feel I must do this
soon. As befitting an exile to this harsh and uncharted land, I am
finally reduced to counting trees!


If you are wondering what is happening in RQ, well.. I would love to know too. Dear friends and clanmates are suddenly quite convinced they are in Clan Foxy. And they think that those of us who still have some sanity left are traitors.. or mad, or both.. Tuan has changed the RQ scrolls. Go and take a look for yourself. And Michael Aridfox and Slyph claims they are married. They even remember happenings from the wedding, a wedding that never took place. They claim I unleashed a horde of Bloodhawks that killed Nevyn.. Read Michael´s letter and see for yourself. And Healery, our Soulguider is also ill. She is talking about a book in the library, as it was a person.. It´s quite frightening the whole thing. Speedier from SDC attended a clanmeeting, and here is what he writes.

Those who really ARE in clan foxy are not happy about it either. This is a letter from Bullingbrook

Sent to the Red Quill
/action sputters.

Who do you think...

/action glowers.

I mean! How DARE you... Your SCROLLS!

And! Our CLANLORD! And you TOOK em! I mean...

/action 's face is turning purple.

I mean you're STEALING ush! WE are Clan Foxy!

We WILL shtop you frum takin our identi-tee!

/action storms off in a huff.


We want to share our happy news with our friends in the lands:

Althealia of Krim'loth is to be married to Keyser Soze of Mountain's
Reach. Althealia is the daughter of Fiehar of Erev'lei and Entelenia of
Keyser Soze is the son of Kevern Soze of Kovash and Smadar Kusadasi of
Mountain's Reach.

Date and details forthcoming :)

Althealia of Krim'loth
(Althea of Redwood)

Keyser Soze of Mountain's Reach

For friends of Darkane, it´s good to hear that the Mystic Council has allowed him to leave the academy and to live with us again. Welcome back Darkane!